I want to cry!


New Member
Jun 20, 2003
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I have some Platys that I have raised from babies and really loved one of the black ones. She was pretty and very sleek looking. One of my favs from the moment of birth. Anyhow, last night I was watching my fish and noticed that she was stuck halfway in the filter!! She had already passed away so I couldn't save her. I was shocked that she got sucked in it, as she has been in the tank for well over a month and I didn't think she was small enough that I had to worry. :(

I am sorry that you lost your fish but it probably didn't die in the filter. Unless a fish is really sick it wouldn't get sucked towards the filter. It probably died from something else, like ammonia or nitrite levels in the water. :-(
All levels are good and I just did a water change Saturday. She looked fine when I left earlier yesterday. She was still small. Maybe this big -----------. And she was stuck going in backwards like it sucked her in. She was caught in the intake part.
aww -hugs for Queen- i'm sorry you lost your fishie, i have a gorgeous shy little black that just had fry, and it made me sad trying to think of what would happen if her or her babies got sucked up by the filter.
:-( I'm so sorry you lost your baby. That was always the tough part when I had mating livebearers. It's hard to lose any of your fish but it's more upsetting when it's a baby I think.

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