I want to cry - vanished!

Sorry to hear that.

That's strange, my coworker who got me into bettas said his first blue VT betta, ended up burying himself under the gravel (it was the rounded edge marble type gravel) and died.

I wonder if anyone else has had bettas that bury themselves under the gravel...?
I am sorry. I missed the part about him burying himself under the gravel when I made my last post. Sorry about your fish. I don't know how that happened. Betta's are pretty strong, but can imagine why they would do that.

If you don't mind, could I ask what kind of gravel do you have?
I'm so sorry.. he was beautiful. :(

It's always upsetting when you lose one. I lost a boy over Christmas during a water change. He jumped into the sink [his bowl was about 2 feet away on the counter] and slipped through the drain guard into the u-bend.. I screamed and cried and tried to open it, but I was the only one home and I'm clueless when it comes to plumbing. I still blame myself for not plugging the drain. It's sad too, I was just putting him back in the bowl.

I have no doubt that he loved his life with you, though. It must be a relief to know he wasn't eaten by the dog.. I know I would've been royally upset if I were you.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jake. What a beautiful fish he was!

I lost my betta last week, I know how you feel....

so Sorry to hear about your loss.
Never heard of a betta Burying itself though.
It was Wonder Rock gravel, not real small and not real big. I can't believe how deep he buried himself. There wasn't even a pile or anything, it didn't even look like it had been disturbed.

I had to apologize to the dog for even thinking it might have been him. He still has his nose out of joint at me. He's the most well mannered dog in the world, he doesn't even pick food up off the floor unless you tell him it's OK.

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