I want to conver to brackish water


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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I want to convert to brackish water because i have columbian sharks that prefer it to keep their immune systems strong and a spiney eel with might prefer it and can definitely tolerate it. I have 4 tiger barbs and a red finned shark. Can they live in brackish conditions?

If my tank can be converted to brackish conditions how do i do it? I know how much salt to add, but should i do it all at once or space it out into increments? Thanks for your help.
Your columbian shark needs a far higher salt level than your spiney eel can tolerate, catfish of the Arius family enter full sea water when full grown.
Tiger barbs and RTBS are not brackish fish and cannot tolerate salt levels that high, the ammount of salt added to make a tank brackish can be measured in pounds/kilos not spoonfulls.
Well thats too bad. Its really scummy that they sold me the columbian sharks and told me they were freshwater and brackish if i wanted. They never told me that they become full marine later in life.

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