I Want To Breed My Bettas

Breeding any species requires a bit of reverse engineering. Figure out where the fry are going to go once grown, a shop, an auction, online sales, whatever. Make sure this is a reliable outlet, from my experiences at least every other shop that says they will take your fish back out when you have fish ready to go.

You then have to take a look at the time, space, and money involved with breeding this species & raising them to sellable size. If you can't do this don't breed. Some species need specialized equipment, small containers for bettas are an excellent example. These containers cost money, take time every day for maintenance, and take up space that needs to be kept a certain temperature.

When it comes to the act of spawning, pairing, nesting, or any of that techniques between breeders vary, sometimes widely. One thing does not vary between breeders; at one time they had all never bred that species. They may have guessed at their first attempt, if they were wise they gathered information before their attempt. At this point they had an idea, or maybe several on how it should be done. Depending on where they got this information from, it may vary widely, just as many breeder's techniques do.

Just because something is different from what you have heard, done or seen done does not mean it is bad, or good, it's just different, and does deserve some thought and consideration. There may well be a breeder who has put more than one female with a male, and had repeated success. The trick is to evaluate the rest of the technique; what has this breeder done to contribute to this success? What size tank, what sort of plants or caves for cover, on and on, so many variables. This is where you learn some of the more fringe area ideas, which many times may be cutting edge.

There's a couple of things I always like to refer to when a technique seems way out; beefheart & bbs. These are staples for many breeders. At one time someone tried them for the first time. I don't see Amazonian fish eating their way down to the heart of a cow, nor do I see them migrating to areas of high salinity to find food for fry. The first person to try them told someone else, and may have heard "wow, never thought of that, I might try that". They just as easily may have been told they have rocks in their head.

Who was at the advantage, the person saying wow, or the person looking at them like they are nuts? Who comes away from it with another tool in their bag of breeding tricks?
you really dont have a clue about how to breed them

maby its because people are getting anoyed with the amount of rubbish you post.

have you not seen the rubbish he posts some has alredy been banned for having a go at him.

Knowing this, you still carry on. While I would like to see some information or even documentation that goes more in depth as to how this is accomplished "having a go" at anyone for any reason on this forum will not be tolerated.

To the best of my knowledge some of what is more commonly called wild species can be bred in a community setting, perhaps this has been used with some success with splendens.
Wow, chill guys :good:

It's generally a good idea to offer sources when supplying information and to avoid recommending "advanced techniques" if you don't actually have any experience of them.

It's also a good idea to have an open mind and not kick off when you disagree with someone ^^

OP - there are some great websites out there. Do a Google search for betta breeding and read until your eyes bleed. It's always a good idea to err on the side of animal welfare and avoid advanced techniques and risky strategies if you are a newbie.

See if you can PM someone who breeds and ask for in-depth advice.
While I would like to see some information or even documentation that goes more in depth as to how this is accomplished "having a go" at anyone for any reason on this forum will not be tolerated.

Perhaps I'm not making myself clear enough. Not be tolerated means continuing risks a suspension of your posting privileges.

I have edited out some of the material that does not concern the topic, or the question asked by the OP. Be aware that continuing will affect posting privileges.

Back on topic, Assaye does make a good point; Start with a more main stream strategy, especially if you are not familiar with breeding. It's good to know about the less often used techniques, but is not usually the best starting point.
Im willing to Just let this pass on and die away. :good:

And i do agree with Assaye. I Will have to reasearch betta breeding again i think :lol:
i have a question, when do you know the girl is eggy? does anyone have pics?

sorry to hijack, but its something i have thought about too, and thought this might help the OP too

Ya my dragon halfmoon is stuffed with eggs let me take a picture and post tomorrow for ya and I think I will post in this topic since it will help the OP ^^, if the male I want to breed her with actually make a nest I could video tape it and take a picture when she is empty but no bubble nest yet, male is in training lol
To the OP the methods I have always understood and that have been epxlained far better by others on here is to condition a particular male and female and then introduce the female via a chimney, it is a very controllled style of breeding and also interesting as if you know the genetics you can create some super offspring. Just ensure you have enough space to house the parents separately once spawned, and the fry as they get older and wil start to fight. Also ensure have sources for them to go to as I know some of the breeders on here have had very large spawns with high rate of survival. If you do do it please keep a log as it is always interesting to see. Hope shadowinc gets the eggy female up for you (it is eye popping to see and slightly alarming!). There is very good advice on here, perhaps also read various articles on the internet as there will be varyng techniques.
Also be aware that you may have to try different males and females as some just are not compatible. Lastly remember their first spawn may be completely unsuccessful, best of luck x
any pics shadow?
Now i have pics had to wait for camera batteries to charge i left it on so they where completly dead!

Taken with flash red eye flash, and you can see the halfmoon in her ^^ she don't spread that often usually only during the mating dance

No flash and good view of where the eggs are

With flash almost perfect picture

Final picture so you know she was conditioned with male beside her for 2 days and on a diet now lol was fed live and frozen foods :) look at the egg area like I said its stuffed

So when your female is ready you will know for sure, without using live foods they are less fat like that but still noticable

This is what my wife is into

She is 3 weeks old and already has a home :) and no not my home
lol wow she is stuffed, so you'd have to keep an eye to ensure you dont think its bloat or dropsy!

whats the rat

The only thing i have to be concerned about is egg binding, she is older than my other ones I own. This one has already produced a spawn for me and I can say for sure she has over 500 eggs, because last time I counted all eggs give or take a few. Bloat and dropsy are alot bigger than that, when out of water its desiving on how it looks :) Live food seem to work best for making eggs and alot of them. The bottom tube is actually open today :)
My link Check them out if you want to breed, not sure if they still do it but they used to give each new member a pair of bettas to breed from other breeders stock, and they have shows.
My link Check them out if you want to breed, not sure if they still do it but they used to give each new member a pair of bettas to breed from other breeders stock, and they have shows.

Links broken, btw I have been with IBC for over 9 years now, but stopped renewing my membership about 5 years back I just checked and my log in still is there how weird. In Canada its not very big not yet anyways, I have believe systems and chose not to renew. I find half the stuff if not all of it is overpriced. Not only that its actually run by members usually the top popular members, I know because I have been aproched many times from a friend about 3 hours away from me to start my business back up again and join the IBC. They use to do online showings etc, non in Canada atleast not now back then I had to travel placed in the top 3 many of times. The only problem was I had to travel and I don't feel like doing that anymore I am getting to much wiser for that or should I say older. Its a good place don't get me wrong. As far as I know that line is discontinued and they use to pass on the line breeds and was never really free always had to pay. The person near me sells them for 30-50 each for halfmoons my going price starts at 6 ea for females and up to as high as 30 ea depending on strain. I have gotten lucky in auctions selling as high as 80-100 ea and thaught the people bidding on them where crazy!

I will choose to stay away from them for now for a begginer maybe it might be a good place to look, maybe browse if you chose not to join. I find it weird that IAL they sell for 50 cents ea, I buy them for 5 cents ea and sell for less than 15-20 cents ea, good place to look, but would buy supplies elsewhere
and in Canada its known as BBC Betta Breeders Club, still part of IBC
lol wow she is stuffed, so you'd have to keep an eye to ensure you dont think its bloat or dropsy!

whats the rat

The only thing i have to be concerned about is egg binding, she is older than my other ones I own. This one has already produced a spawn for me and I can say for sure she has over 500 eggs, because last time I counted all eggs give or take a few. Bloat and dropsy are alot bigger than that, when out of water its desiving on how it looks :) Live food seem to work best for making eggs and alot of them. The bottom tube is actually open today :)

sorry, I didn't word that right, what I meant was for novices (like me) could see this and think it was bloat, not your girl has bloat. I sometimes (don't) have a way with words!

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