I Want To Breed Bettas


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2009
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I want to breed bettas. Im just worried that after the new babies are born eventually they will fight each other. Is there a way to stop them from fighting? Im goin to put 1 im my normal tank and another in my big tank. How will i stop them mfrom fighting?
Eventually they will start squabbling, so you will need to have seperate tanks to put males in. I dont know how you are intending to breed them? But you cant breed them in the tank as you would guppies. Also, after spawning the female and male will need feeding up and kept stressed free. That means not putting them into a tank with lots of other fish.
You're going to put 1 what in one tank and 1 what in another tank? You mean the male (future father) and female (future mother) in your different tanks?
And the babies fighting as they got older is one of the least problematic parts of breeding bettas.

You will need:
A tank to condition both female and male in seperate from any other fish and seperate from eachother.
You will then need somewhere for the actual spawning to take place. This could be the males conditioning tank if it was big enough.
You will then need somewhere to put the female for a couple of weeks to recover (on her own without other fish)
You need a grow out tank for the fry until they are big enough to sell.
You may also need seperate containers for each of the young fish once they are big enough and do start fighting.
You'll need all the foods neccesary to raise the fry aswell

Also you'll need to do A HELL of alot of reasearch before even thinking about breeding.

Not trying to put you off. But you don't seem to be far enough it your 'research' to even be thinking about the fry fighting once they're into the adolescent stage.
I'm sure modaz and netty etc will improve on my reply. But it's just something to get you thinking. :)
I agree with everything said so far. We have 114 babies at the moment. If you ended up with that many, you have to think about how you would house them individually when they start to fight, and they will fight and there's nothing you can do to stop them. Then you need to be able to heat each container to the correct temperature. You need to have live food cultures to feed the babies.

Also who will you sell them to? Most lfs have contracts with suppliers and wont buy from other people, unless you can find an independant one.

The babies need to be fed 3 times a day so you can forget ever going away for the day or on holiday for at least 4 - 5 months until they are old enough to be sold. Once jarred up you need to do water changes daily to keep the ammonia levels down.

All in all it takes alot of time and commitment to raising a spawn successfully and you really need to do ALOT more research before you even try.
I want to breed bettas. Im just worried that after the new babies are born eventually they will fight each other. Is there a way to stop them from fighting? Im goin to put 1 im my normal tank and another in my big tank. How will i stop them mfrom fighting?

Hi there,

there is loads of information on here about breeding betta, you might even find the link in my sig useful. :good:


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