I Want To Add Another Fish But Not Sure What?

I should be upgrading to a five foot tank soon and was looking at Bolivian rams. Does anyone know if it is possible to house tiger barbs, Bolivian rams, apistos & possibly angels in the same tank ( although I'm aware that barbs should not really be kept with fish with flowing finnage such as Angels! )???
Pics would be good too!! .
why not start your own topic on this it will keep things more tidy :good:
hey everyone well im so glad i got more rams.there both really nice.by reading the info on sexing them im not 100% sure but i think i now have 2 males and 1 female.well 2 of them look the same and the other looks different.should i be worried and will there be problems because of this??
the ram i believe to be the female is very shy.the other isnt but its very early days yet.
there has been some chasing going on from my original ram but nothing bad.
my camera is not very good so i have taken a video.i forgot to state i also have 4 rummy-nose tetras.im going to be adding some plants soon.
so my stocking is now.
2 gourami
8 cardinal tetra
4 rummy-nose tetra
3 bolivian rams


also today i noticed a big change in my honey gouramis appearance.when i purchased it she looked like this.very grey and dull.


but just out of the blue today she looks like this


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