i want rams.....


Fish Fanatic
Oct 31, 2004
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hey wassup? i got 4 stupid giant danios 2 pearl gouramies and a bristlenose pleco in a 29 gal. would the rams fit in with them? ram keepers pleasssssse state ur opinion please. i want the gold rams, how many can i keep? 2? 4? any help would b appreciated. if the rams wont work out could sum1 suggest a colourful cichlid.....

the key word is COLOUR :D
german blue rams, a male and female, would work out fine i believe. They are quite peaceful and very colorful. Just provide a few caves and rocks for them to establish territory.

I don't think they'll beat up your other fish as they are probably the most peaceful fish and stay quite small, 2-3 inches

firemouths grow a bit larger but i don't know about them too much
i wanted rams at one time too so i got them. They very cool fish. I would suggest i pair of german blue rams because they are less agressive then other rams and plus have alot of color.
Why don't you try Bolivian Ram? They have been nothing but fun for me. They don't bother any of my other fish and other than an occasional push from my elephant nose, the other fish leave them alone. Other tank mates are: 2 cory cats, 2 dwarf gouramis, 1 angel fish, 1 plecostomus, & 1 elephant nose fish.
I only speak from my own experience, I am no expert.
See them in the gallery
the guy at the LFS said that the rams would probably not b a good idea cuz the daniosare aggresive feeders and could probably intimidate the rams. u have no idea how bad i want them, im willing to sell the danios back, in the event i do sell em back what could i get as a danio replacement? i have 2 have these rams
i'd just get the german blue rams
bolivian rams should work out good.

try it and if you notice the danios are eating all the food and none is left for the rams, then return the danios and get tetras or something
today i just got 2 gold rams..6 hatchet fish..and things are great....my gouramis are out...even my pleco is moving around a lil bit..lets just say the danio issue is over and done with and ill leave it at that :D

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