I Want A Nano.


Lets go Flyers
Sep 17, 2006
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Hi, I've never had a salt water tank before, but I've been wanting one since I was 5... and I'm 14 now... and... yeah. I've been doing research, and I know the bigger the better, and the easier it is, and I've been looking at tons of pictures and journals and everything, and I really like smaller tanks better. I understand that they require much more work than larger tanks, and can be just as expensive to set up, but I'm prepared for that, and I would like to try. I'm looking at around 10-20g. I would need:
tank -- I was looking at this one, will it be suitable? I think it's a little pricey, but I really wouldn't mind.
heater ~$10?
live rock (60lbs) ~ $70 (I found some nice stuff that I really want, don't mind paying a little extra for it)
substrate (aragamax sand, 30lbs) ~ $23
would I need a refugium or sump? Also, will the lighting in the link I gave be enough for anemones? What about SPS corals?

I have done a lot of reading about a lot of things, I know anemones aren't for beginners, and I don't plan on getting one straight away. I also want an ocellaris clownfish. Would I be best getting a pair or should I stick with one? It's late, I have to go to bed, I know I'm forgeting a few things in this post, but I'll figure it out tomarrow. Replies are welcome.
The dry goods for my 20 gal were $250 from the good doctors.
If you want a good set up dont buy the nano cube buy all the parts seperat you will save money and get beter parts.


power heads

and a 10 gallon tank from a lfs and you have a set up that has 100x what the nano cube has
Yeah, I agree. The cubes are good, but you can do some better things and get a better understading of your system by making it yourself. If you want the traditional corals/fish reef aquarium, a 20 long is a great starter tank :)
My first tank was a 20gal. I bought the tank from petco and everything else online from Drs. F&S. I built my own canopy for ~20.00. If you found live rock for almost a $1.00 a lb, then tell me where you're getting it! most of the rock that I buy is about 4 to 8.00 a pound.

I say just keep it slow and steady. Make sure you add your trace chemicals and know how to do water changes. Other then that, good luck with everything. Any questions just ask the forum.
It may be a typo but you mentioned that you'd be getting 60 lbs of live rock, you'll only need to get 15-18 lbs for the 12 gallon nano. I have this model and it took some doing for me to get my 15 lbs in. 60 lbs won't even fit in that tank! Just thought it might make you breathe a little easier.

I recommend getting a 20 gallon long. The tank is so flexible with what you want to do and tne Nano Cube is very limiting in it's design, especially when you get the hang of 'nano'ing' and you want to 'upgrade'. A 20 long allows you to equip it the way you want, fit's most lighting fixtures, is shallow enough to allow good light penetration and is just an all-around great tank to start off your career with.

Ocellaris clownfish are really better off in larger tanks, but, people keep them in 20's, however, you should concentrate not on stocking right now but your setup.

Welcome aboard (do your parents know your plans?)

Thanks for all the replies.
For the live rock, it was a typo, it's supposed to be 16 pounds. :look:
I think everybody has convinced me to get a 20g. Also, it's MUCH more convenient for me if I buy everthing online (except fish and corals) and yes my parents know my plans. As long as I pay for it, it's fine. Which is why I was wondering aobut cost and such. I know it's way too early for stocking, but could an anemone go in a 20g? It'll keep me motivated. :hey: I can't seem to find anywhere that sells a glass 20g online. If I can't find one then I'll have to go to the store, but it's a last resort.

What trace elements do I have to test for?
Water changes take care of most trace emements

If you have a high demand lps,sps reef then calc,alc and mag would need suplementing
Mkay. Thanks for fast replies. Could anyone recommend to me a good brand of powerhead for nano tanks?
about the anenome, I don't think people generally recommend them for nanos, just wondering why do you want one?

people use seios in nanos, but the best are tunzes (right?) but they do cost quite a bit but over 2 years they are cheaper
Hummers are awesome but you wouldn't put one in a nano tank. They don't belong there. If you want an anemone, invest in a 200 gallon tank with four banks of hot metal halides. I'd advise against this decision. If I can't convince you, your bank account will when it dies. SH

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