I Want A Light Controller


Moved On
Jan 1, 2006
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Ok guys, i have a Juwel vision 260. Trobule is, i dont like my lights so bright, and im pretty sure my fish dont like it either (though im just guessing). Now, id like something to kinda act like a dimmer for my STANDARD lights that come with my Juwel tank, though im not really sure what im looking for... Does anyone have anything fitted to their tanks, especially Juwel? Any hints, tips or links will be greatly received ;)
Sorry, these are the exact bulbs i have in my tank, there are 2 of them...


Would these be the best bulbs? I have no real plants in my tank, so i dont really know why i bought these ones, though ive had them for about a year now. Any other suggestions???

**(if the link is any trouble, let me know and i will remove it)**
I'm no electrician but I don't think flourescent bulbs can be put on dimmer switches. You may want to contact the supplier and ask them. They could tell you for sure. Might think about adding a small wallmounted light that you can dim. DIY forum would be a good place to look into this.
Thanks Torrean, ill look into it!


Does anyone know for sure???
PM simonbrown403 and ask him about dimmer switches, he is a real good handy man and seems to know alot.

Why don't you just get a lower wattage bulb then?
Flourescent tubes are either on or off, unfortunately.

If you lower the current going through it it'll either not come on at all, or will just flicker
I just had a thought. Could the system be rigged so that only one tube came on at a time? That would decrease brightness right? Or do you only use one tube.

EDIT: I just had another thought. Could you tint the glass that your lights sit on. Not sure how the set up is on jewels but I have a walmart special and the lights sit on top of a thin piece of glass that is a part of the hood. If you lightly tinted this glass it would decrease the brightness of your lights. Just a thought. Another thing you might try is to use dark gravel and a black background. That would help too.
Oh! Excellent ideas! Ive thought about only running one bulb at a time, but when i switch it on the 2 of them come on.. I like the tinting idea too, though the lights dont sit on glass they are just over the tank, so id need to tint the actual bulb - but this doesnt seem as handy (or cheap) as running one bulb at a time... Im so lazy! :lol: Thanks for all your help fellas! :thumbs:
Why not just take 1 tube out ? You'd need to block off the contacts to prevent condensation getting to them.

The fish not liking the lighting shouldn't be an issue by the way. Sunlight in the tropics is way brighter than the neon bulbs.

Dimmers don't work with neon tubes.

Why not just add some floating plants, less hassle all round. I have lily leafs floating on the surface which block out light in my loach tank, if they start to take over i just pull a few leaves of when i do water changes.

If his system is anything like the Rio 125 then both lights need to be on, if one tube goes down then the other won't work (a real pain) the Rio also doesn't have cover before the lid and the lights hang just over the tank.

Painting or tinting the tubes may be way to go, you could buy the stuff for making painting glass with (as long as there are no fumes, need to check the tin).
Just get some floating/surface plants to help block out light... something like Amazon Frogbit or Indian Fern... easier than changing bulbs etc...
If his system is anything like the Rio 125 then both lights need to be on, if one tube goes down then the other won't work (a real pain) the Rio also doesn't have cover before the lid and the lights hang just over the tank.

Painting or tinting the tubes may be way to go, you could buy the stuff for making painting glass with (as long as there are no fumes, need to check the tin).
Yeah, youve hit the nail right on the head, its the same as the rio 125, my dad has one... Hmmm, i dunno, seems like hassle now :unsure:

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