I Wanna Get One!

IMO= In my opinion.

Just for you information, I doubt you would make enough (if any) money breeding powder blues. You would just break even in my opinion. :good: I would just wait until you have a 55 gallon. Look on Craigslist.org (if you are in the states) and try to find a cheap tank.
Also, What does IMO mean? cuz I have a 30 inch long tank. :hyper:

Sorry, 30" is 6" too short for even p.demasoni. :no: You could keep some shelldwellers in a 17gal tank though. Here's a good link on them.

You could pick ONE of these stocking suggestions.

Shell Dweller Aquarium

#1 • 'Lamprologus' brevis - 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' stappersii - trio
• Ancistrus temminckii "Bristlenose Pleco" - 1

#2 • 'Lamprologus' multifasciatus - 5
• Brachydanio rerio "Zebra Danio" - 3
• Ancistrus temminckii "Bristlenose Pleco" - 1

• Alto. sp. "Compressiceps Shell"- 1 pair
• 'Lamprologus' caudopunctatus - 1 pair
'Lamprologus' similis - 1 trio
watcha mean break even??? powder blues are around $10 at the pet store, and they will probably take them for 3-4$ if I sell 60 of them from various spawns, I would make $180-$240 and a 55 gallon kit with a tank, filter, food, water conditioner, lid with built in light all in one is around $175 plus whatnot
brings me out at 0. my mom pays for all the things i need to run the tank including fish and food. :shifty: Bingo!
But does that count for the presumably large growout tank you'll need, or the food, or the EQUIPMENT for a growout tank? You can't raise everything in one tank.
there is no way you would get 3-4$ each, i bet you would be lucky to get 25-30 cents each fry

my freind was breeding demasoni and he was getiting around 56 cents each and the demasoni costed him $20 each

your best to save up till you can get a 55 gallon, its best you look on your local craigslist you can find some sweet deals, or even for your birthday ask for a 55 gallon fish tank
watcha mean break even??? powder blues are around $10 at the pet store, and they will probably take them for 3-4$ if I sell 60 of them from various spawns, I would make $180-$240 and a 55 gallon kit with a tank, filter, food, water conditioner, lid with built in light all in one is around $175 plus whatnot
brings me out at 0. my mom pays for all the things i need to run the tank including fish and food. :shifty: Bingo!

Most pet stores will only give store credit, and less than $1.00 per fish, then they charge a much higher amount to sell them, thats how they make a profit. Before deciding to breed fish to sell, always ask the places you want to sell to what they will pay. If we could get $3-$4 a fish, all of us would be breeding them, I know I would.
I guess that's a prob. :angry: , but I could still could make some money if they breed often enough,
I will probably make more money off fry because the pet stores are not "overflowing" with cichlids.
So I can probably make a good $95 and make a deal with my mom (she'll probably say that if I am an :angel: that I can get one) to get a 55 gallon tank. but i just won't have a good place to put it.

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