I Wanna Get One!


New Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Wisconsin(United States)
I am DYING to get a powder blue cichlid (Pseudotropheus Socolofi) :D (But I can't)
My mom says that I can get one :yahoo: (But I can't)

The only thing is..... I am young and I cannot afford anything larger than a 5gal. tank.
Can I put 2 of them in my tank? (Beep Beep) Could I put 1? (Beep Beep) Would they need a lot of large rocks? (Ding Ding Ding Ding)

Thanx (Not)
sorry but NO, 5 gallon tanks are barely big enough for a single male betta.

the smaller a tank is, the harder it is to keep stable. (meaning the bacteria that is best to keep a system running great is easier to maintain in larger tanks)

beg your parents for a 29 gallon, they have great kits sold at walmart superstores, maybe for christmas they'll surprise you but you should start hinting NOW! :lol:

:good: 29 gallons are excellent starting tanks for newbies to the hobby!! :good:
I think I might put 2 youngsters 1 male, 1 female,
and breed them and sell the fry to petstores for money so i can get a 55gal. tank,
I also have a gigantic tank in my basement maybe 35gal.
gotta go

Remember, it takes prime condition to breed.
That is not prime condition.
They won't breed. If you ask for advice, why not take it?
I am accepting advice, the thing is, though, I have heard otherwise for different types of fish.
I was just wondering if it is different for pseudotropheus socolofi. :good:
no, it would be cruel and torturous to put that fish in a tank that tiny. Stick to a betta for that size tank.
I'm NOT going to argue with an ELEVEN year old, only refer you to www.cichlid-forum.com and see if you find someone to say it's ok to put those fish in a 5 gallon tank, since you dont seem to take our advice.
I am accepting advice, the thing is, though, I have heard otherwise for different types of fish.
I was just wondering if it is different for pseudotropheus socolofi. :good:

P.socolofi (as with other mbuna), are fast swimming, territorial fish. 5 gallons just isn't large enough for one, much less two of them. Not only that, but mbuna are harem breeders where one male will mate with as many females as possible, so you need multiple females (preferably 3 or more) for every male. If you put two p.socolfi in a 5 gal tank, one of them WILL kill the other, and you will be left with one very unhappy fish. My suggestion would be to save your money until you can appropriately house these wonderful fish.
I'm NOT going to argue with an ELEVEN year old, only refer you to www.cichlid-forum.com and see if you find someone to say it's ok to put those fish in a 5 gallon tank, since you dont seem to take our advice.

Age shouldnt mean anything. Go ahead and argue, kids this age take advantage of adults since they are "kids". How would i know? Im one of them.
I have Heard of someone who put one in a 11 gallon tank :shifty: ,
but if this is COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE, then can anyone reccomend a begginer malawi tank setup
fish that is blue and small?

Musho, You ROCK!!
O.K., my tank is a lot smaller than it looked! It's 17 Gallons. could I put a powder blue in there?

Unfortunately no, mbuna need at least a 4ft long tank. The only exception I would make to that would be pseudotropheus demasoni, which IMO could be kept in a 3ft tank.

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