I urgently need help with ich


New Member
Mar 3, 2023
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Hey guys, I think one of my fish is suffering from ich but I m not sure about it.

Can somebody please help me diagnose the problem?
Only one outta the 5 rosy barb has tiny white spots on jus the fins( dorsal,tail, swim fins,all the fins). Each fin has around 7-10 white spots. He is eating fine and active. He scratches himself on the pebbles sometimes though.

No other fish seems to have white spots. But I think somethings wrong with 2 of the guppy tails.

I feed them twice a day, run power filter24*7, temp. Is around 28-30 C(85F). I have also put 10 ML of medicines that the shop provided me ( anti fungus/trypaflavin/acrivin) and a blue liquid(probably methylene blue).

I have also attached some of the 100s of pictures I took(lol). He is the one with a stripe on his left side. The spots aren't clearly visible in the pics.

Also, please suggest me anything I need to do(add or remove) from my new tank. Looking at the internet I don't think I m very scared about my fish. I will be grateful to anybody who would help me asap.
Thank you


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I can't see spots in your photo, but you can trust your eye.

Your meds are for velvet, and I have not seen them used in North America for ages as they're illegal. You'd need prolonged exposure, so no fear. Can you get malachite green? Methelyn blue can kill ich, but is not as effective. I would do a series of very large water changes and go with malahcite green. In a pinch, methelyne blue.

You have to work fast, but a photo of the cysts would be good, in case you don't need meds at all. I haven't been to Gujarat, but it must be quite hot at this time of year. That's isn't good if you are Ich, most strains of which die at your water temps.

Are the fish new?

Have the cysts been increasing in number?
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I can't see spots in your photo, but you can trust your eye.

Your meds are for velvet, and I have not seen them used in North America for ages as they're illegal. You'd need prolonged exposure, so no fear. Can you get malachite green? Methelyn blue can kill ich, but is not as effective. I would do a series of very large water changes and go with malahcite green. In a pinch, methelyne blue.

You have to work fast, but a photo of the cysts would be good, in case you don't need meds at all. I haven't been to Gujarat, but it must be quite hot at this time of year. That's isn't good if you are Ich, moist strains of which die at your water temps.

Are the fish new?

Have the cysts been increasing in number?
Thank you so much for the reply...
I suspected the meds to b wrong...I nvr trusted the local pet shop..I can try ordering melachite green online... I got the anti fungus med when my iridescent sharks got ich around 2 months Back..they died...2 of the rosy barbs were in the same tank with the sharks (one of them has ich now,had no symptoms of ich last time).
Yes it's superhot here..around 35 at max...
I tried getting like 100 of pics but they are superfast and active so it's hard to get a clear img. Also the cysts are very small. I'll try getting few more pics during morning.
Yes we got 2 guppies around 20 days ago.
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I don't see ich. Can you circle the fish that is effected?

In the first photo, is there something in the gills of the vertical fish under your finger?
I also saw it appears the two white strands on coming from the hill which to me seems like a worm, and I don’t see any of the white spots mentioned.
I don't see ich. Can you circle the fish that is effected?

In the first photo, is there something in the gills of the vertical fish under your finger?
I don't see ich. Can you circle the fish that is effected?

In the first photo, is there something in the gills of the vertical fish under your finger?
thnk u so much fr the reply....yes, it's very hard to get a good pic and to see the spots in the image as they swim very fast, never stop swimming, and also the spots are tiny.....It has been a day since I saw the spots...he is active, eating but I guess scratchin a little more thn b4...
I m tryna get some more shots....he is the one with a whitish-yellow strip on his left side...I have attached anothr img with a few spots on tail fins visible.... he is the lower one in the attached img...and about the verticle fish., I don't see anything currently....


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I also saw it appears the two white strands on coming from the hill which to me seems like a worm, and I don’t see any of the white spots me
thnk u so much fr the reply....yh I notice the worm kinda thing in the pic but I don't see anythin when I see the fish now....I ll check for it too...I hv attached anothr img in naught's reply....the spots r visible on the tail fin in the img...similar spots r prent on the othr fins as well
Edit guys....the fish is not eating...he is not swimming as well and jus sitting at the bottom...he was fine at mornin but within 4 hrs he stopped moving...I am very worried...can somebody please help me urgently...as he isn't moving much now I took some clear pics of the spots....I m attaching them as well...I would be grateful to everybody helping..


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Do the large water changes recommended by Gary. Keep the temperature up at 30 for 2 weeks as this would eradicate ich if this were the problem.
I'm not convinced it is ich but large water changes help in any situation, as long as the parameters of the new water match the tank water, and the water is dechlorinated where necessary.

The high temperature and the previous medications will deplete the oxygen in the tank so make sure it is well aeriated.
Poisoning from something in the water, either the chemicals or poor water quality (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate).

Did you increase aeration when you added the medication?
Did you work out exactly how much water is in the tank before treating them?


If you need to treat white spot, just raise the water temperature to 30C (86F) and keep it there for 2 weeks, or at least 1 week after all the white dots have gone. No medications needed, just warm water. Increase aeration whenever you use heat or medications in the aquarium.


Out of the 2 pictures you just posted, the one with the fish facing left, the rosy barb has some dots along the tail and on the fins. This is not white spot. It looks like excess mucous or something else but is not a disease.

Do a water change and gravel clean the substrate and see if the fish improves.
I can't see spots in your photo, but you can trust your eye.

Your meds are for velvet, and I have not seen them used in North America for ages as they're illegal. You'd need prolonged exposure, so no fear. Can you get malachite green? Methelyn blue can kill ich, but is not as effective. I would do a series of very large water changes and go with malahcite green. In a pinch, methelyne blue.

You have to work fast, but a photo of the cysts would be good, in case you don't need meds at all. I haven't been to Gujarat, but it must be quite hot at this time of year. That's isn't good if you are Ich, moist strains of which die at your water temps.

Are the fish new?

Have the cysts been increasing in number?
Hy, this mornin he stopped eating and also laying at the bottom..
I took some pictures of him with white spots visible... I still am unable to find malachite green...changed 30% of water and added some salts...I am worried now...can you please help me with the problem..thank you


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I agree with checking out the water source and parameters, particularly given your location as nitrate and ammonia can be too high there.
It's difficult to help if you don't give us anything to work with. By now, I would have done 4 50% water changes, if these were my fish. I don't know what you've done. I suggested the med as a back up in case and from your comments, you locked on to that.

You can use a test kit, or you can can change water and make the test kit results not matter. It takes about the same time for each. Maybe you've already done this. I hope so.

I get the stress levels - they're nice fish and you want to save them. But give us a clear idea of the measures you've taken so far.

What's happening to your fish isn't following the patterns for Ich, at least as you've described it all. The anti-med people would suggest Ich is impossible at your temperatures - that's how they treat it, with warm water.
Do the large water changes recommended by Gary. Keep the temperature up at 30 for 2 weeks as this would eradicate ich if this were the problem.
I'm not convinced it is ich but large water changes help in any situation, as long as the parameters of the new water match the tank water, and the water is dechlorinated where necessary.

The high temperature and the previous medications will deplete the oxygen in the tank so make sure it is well aeriated.
Thnk u so much for reply....
Yes I did 2 50% water changes within 1 n a half day period..temp is 30c....water is well aerated....
Do u suggest me to shift the individual fish to a smaller bucket to treat it separately and treat the aquarium separately?
Poisoning from something in the water, either the chemicals or poor water quality (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate).

Did you increase aeration when you added the medication?
Did you work out exactly how much water is in the tank before treating them?


If you need to treat white spot, just raise the water temperature to 30C (86F) and keep it there for 2 weeks, or at least 1 week after all the white dots have gone. No medications needed, just warm water. Increase aeration whenever you use heat or medications in the aquarium.


Out of the 2 pictures you just posted, the one with the fish facing left, the rosy barb has some dots along the tail and on the fins. This is not white spot. It looks like excess mucous or something else but is not a disease.

Do a water change and gravel clean the substrate and see if the fish improves.
Thnk u so much for the reply....
Yes I have increased the aeration....did water changes....the water out here is around 30 C by naturally...
I m not sure wht the spots are... they jus appeared one day outta nowhere and also the fish has been flashing on the pebbles since thn

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