I Took The Plunge ... Add My First Fish To Tank.

Platies and mollies will not try to cross but in the Livebearer section you indicated a preponderance of male platies with a single female. That ratio needs to be corrected.

I have 3 male plays and 4 female mollies. I had 3 male and 2 mollys but added two more this evening. I plan on one more female play for sure. I have a fish that needs to be replaced that did notmake it do to a injugerd fin. so I am guessing a female would be the best bet.
3 male platies is good. No reason to add a female, she would be so badly harrassed. Should be 1 male for each female...more females can be added, but having more males would be stressful. I know that from experience when I lost a female and and the male chased the remaining female until she would only hide in the corner. As soon as I added another female everything went back to normal.

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