I Think This Has Been Asked Alot!


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
:p ok well maybe there isnt apicture here but i had to say someting to get oyu in here didn't i xD :p
:hey: well i want to get my corydoras to breed bu ti have alot of questions need answering xD :hey:
:/ i don't know how old my corydoras are and the guy at my lfs is a right jerk he dunt care about fish :/
:huh: they are aenus as far i know, 2 of em. ones bigger than the other so i think i have male/female :huh:
:look: i know about the water change wit cooler water but does anyone know any sites which give you step by step guides to beeding them? :look:
Hi Goldfish Bowl :)

The first thing you will want to do is get a few more of them and make sure they are mature. Then I'll be happy to help you right here.

When you go to buy them, if you don't trust the sales person to pick out males and females, here's how to pick them yourself. First, after you look at them to be sure they are healthy, pick the biggest ones. These will almost always be the females. Ask the clerk to let you look down on them so you can see their shape. They should be rounded. Then pick males from the tank. They will probably be much more slender than the females and possibly shorter too.

Here's a picture of my mature black corys that shows the difference well:


The chances are that the ones you buy will be much smaller and you will have to spend a few months raising them to adulthood. This is not a bad thing because, while you will have to wait for them to be ready to spawn, you will be able to raise them to be healthy and strong by feeding them a good diet and keeping the tank nice and clean.

I would suggest that you set up your empty tank and make it a single species tank for them. After they mature and spawn you can then put them in your main tank and raise the fry in it, since they will need to be alone to grow successfully.

Good luck to you with this. Bronze corys are one of the best fish to start out when you are ready to try breeding an egg laying fish. There is a lot of work involved, and it takes some time, but IMHO it's well worth the effort!

Please let me know what you are going to do. :D
Thanks Inchworm,

I've seen you alot on the catfish forum and im priviledged you replied to my topic :fun:

ok so i went out and bought a filter today its really good its just the input bit is about a cm wide so ill need to cover that when i get fry in there xD but neway would i be able to keep platy fry in with my corydoras fry? :thumbs:
Hi Goldfish Bowl :)

You would probably want to wait for at least 2 months before you put any of your platy fry in with the cory fry. This is because corys come from eggs and are much smaller and slower growing than any lvebearer fry are.

This is what they look like when they are first hatched:

Good luck with the cories. I just got my first batch a fry a week ago. They are very tiny when they hatch and you will be suprised how much they grow in a week! They swim around the bottom non-stop looking for food just like thier parents. Very fun to watch them grow from a tiny egg to a minature cory.

Good Luck :thumbs:
how can i help with my corydoras im going out to buy some more in about a week fm same place, same tank so hopefully then and i have everything ivebeen told i need. YAY!

Anyone got any good sites what haVE IN DEPTH GUIDES ON BEREDING THEM

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