I Think They've Bred!


Aug 29, 2009
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Just before doing the weekly water change i glanced around the tank to find small white eggs on the tank walls, on bogwood and on some of the plants. I have looked on the internet at the different eggs that come from the different fish species in the tank. I have concluded they are Corys.

I just have a few questions.

1.I was wondering if it is okay that a bronze cory and a panda cory have bred? As these are the only corys in my tank.

2.What should i do with the eggs as i would like them to hatch.

Just before doing the weekly water change i glanced around the tank to find small white eggs on the tank walls, on bogwood and on some of the plants. I have looked on the internet at the different eggs that come from the different fish species in the tank. I have concluded they are Corys.

I just have a few questions.

1.I was wondering if it is okay that a bronze cory and a panda cory have bred? As these are the only corys in my tank.

2.What should i do with the eggs as i would like them to hatch.


1.IIRC Corys can't cross-breed with other species, maybe your cory was already pregnant (maybe the eggs haven't been fertilized, if you say you've got 1 of each species)

2.Scrape the eggs out with a plastic card or suck them out with a pipette (not with your finger or you'll burst them). Then place them into a breeding net. If possible, place an airstone underneather the net to prevent fungus on the eggs.
Really, they cant breed? Oh. well you learn a new thing everyday! :blush:

I have had both cory in the tank for well over a year, would they have already layed there eggs by now?
White eggs mean they are unfertilized, I think :X
Yellow eggs mean fertilized :X
You say white eggs? Are you sure they are white and not a creamy colour?

You say white eggs? Are you sure they are white and not a creamy colour?


So far i have collected 6 eggs, 4 are creamy whitey colour and 2 are see-through with a white dot in the middle, any ideas?
Have you only got 1 panda and 1 bronze in the tank?

Yes, only those two corys :)

The bronze was given to me by a fellow fish keeper a few summers ago and the Panda i got last summer
Hmmm. Well the creamy white ones sound like the ones my cory's kept laying when I had a group of them, they were fertilized. The see through ones I don't know. Maybe you have 2 females and they are just laying eggs? This really is quite confusing.

I know right! so confusing :blink:

Im just going to keep them in the breeders box, see how it goes. And fingers crossed something might happen. No harm in trying right?

Thanks for the help,
I personally dont see why some different types of cories cant hybridise, not that im any sort of biological fish expert but i mean if a lion and a tiger can create a liger why not corys. Difficult thing may be getting them to breed in the first place but im sure some corys will be able to successfully hybridise. Let us know what happens
I personally dont see why some different types of cories cant hybridise, not that im any sort of biological fish expert but i mean if a lion and a tiger can create a liger why not corys. Difficult thing may be getting them to breed in the first place but im sure some corys will be able to successfully hybridise. Let us know what happens
Some Cory species can successfully 'hybridise', but C.aeneus and C.panda cannot.
I personally dont see why some different types of cories cant hybridise, not that im any sort of biological fish expert but i mean if a lion and a tiger can create a liger why not corys. Difficult thing may be getting them to breed in the first place but im sure some corys will be able to successfully hybridise. Let us know what happens
Some Cory species can successfully 'hybridise', but C.aeneus and C.panda cannot.
well if this guys eggs are fertile i guess they can?

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