I Think One Of My Platys Is Dying.

Do a water change that will help her and also adding salt. It helps them during a cycle.
But the cycle will take it's toll on her. Even when the tanks cycled  they can die a few weeks later.
If you have anymore questions we are here to help if we can.. Not shout at you. I hate that.
The only thing that somewhat makes me feel better is knowing that so many people go through the same thing as me... yet they don't ask for help. I could just keep buying more fish and not ask for advice, but I know I can't do it on my own. 
Most of us fish keepers started where you are. So we do know what you are going throw.
At least you are asking for advice and want to learn.
I lost a guppy the same as your platys, it's heart breaking. So I started to learn for myself trolling the net for advice.
Joined forums and learnt alot.
So sorry you had to learn the hard way. But so many do.
Some flowers to make you feel better.
Thank you wilder. A friend of mine had a platy last for 5 years... in an uncycled tank. I guess he was lucky. 
The other platy was dead when I woke up this morning. :(
Are you sure it was a platy as far as I remember they only live 2 to 3 years.
Sorry for your loss.

What are you thinking of doing now?
I'm thinking of using the 10 gallon as a betta tank. I got a test strip pack with a liquid ammonia test, and Tetra SafeStart Plus. The LFS found no ammonia at all, but I don't know... the fish had to die for some reason. 
You could keep something else with the betta. I would ask in the betta section of the forum.
10 gallon is a bit big for a betta I would also check that out in the betta section too.
Did the LFS say what your nitrite reading was?
No they didn't, they were mostly concerned with the PH and ammonia levels. Do you have any idea how much of the Tetra SafeStart I should use by any chance?
It should tell you on the back on the bottle how much to use.
I've forgotten. It's been quite a while since I used it.
Few more questions, hope im not driving you mad :p
1. Should I replace the filter cartridge? After losing 7 fish since January, me and my mom are thinking we should.
2. What exactly are nitrites and nitrates? 
Never used filter cartridges so have no knowledge on them. Sorry. You could ask that question in tropical discussion.
Get you some information on nitrite, and nitrate and i'm not that great at explaining it.
Good Luck.

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