I Think One Of My Platys Is Dying.


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2013
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I have a mickey mouse platy that I got on Friday. I noticed that when she was in the bag, she was VERY inactive. She barely moved. She explored my tank the first two days, but then she just spent most of her time hiding. This morning, I found her on the bottom of the tank, not moving. She swam around a little. but quickly went back to the bottom. Now, it looks like she is gasping at the top of the tank. This is exactly what happened when I lost my entire tank a few months ago. :(
Your tank is not cycled.  This is what happens when fish are exposed to their own ammonia.
You already know the best thing to do for these fish - daily water changes, and get a liquid ammonia testing kit.
This is the reason why we recommend fishless cycling on this forum, so that the tank is cycled BEFORE fish are added.  Fish-in cycles are much more difficult and harder work, and more painful for the fish.
Need more information please.
Size of tank in gallons?
How many fish and which type?
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?
Water change, increase aeration.
Additional information that we have established:  10 gallon tank recently stocked with two platies.
Yesterday tested with test strip: ammonia test not available, nitrite was 1ppm before water change was advised.  Unsure how many water changes owner has done since then.
pH on test strip was 6.0 (but LFS previously advised 8+ pH?).
Thanks daizeUK.
Immediate water change and increase aeration.
Get a jug of tank water and add one tablespoon full of salt. Siir the salt till it dissolves and add to the tank.
It will take ages for the tank to cycle with one platy. I would strongly suggest taking it back to the LFS and doing a fishless cycle.
Thank you guys, but I think I just lost her. :( Why is it that I always lose my favorite fish first? 
Bless Her. R.I.P.
I've been in your situation and you learn a lot from it.
Look into ammonia and nitrite poisoning.

Ammonia Poisoning





The fish will hang just under the surface with labored breathing. Its gills will appear to be lilac in color. Red streaking may be seen throughout the body and fins. Fishes with ammonia poisoning will become lethargic and eventually die, maintaining their full coloring. The ammonia will damage their skin, gills, nerves and internal organs. The red streaking is due to hemorrhages (internal and external bleeding). Its mucous membranes of the skin and intestine are also destroyed. Damage also occurs to the brain and central nervous system.




Abnormally high levels of ammonia.




Test the water to confirm the disease. If ammonia levels are high, perform an immediate water change. It�s also a good idea to use a chemical that will remove the ammonia. Activated carbon, Ammo-Lock, or Tetra Easy Balance.
Well, this morning she was on the bottom, didn't go after the food, which was unlike her. She stayed on the bottom for a few hours, then slowly swam to the top and started gasping for air. Then she floated to the bottom and landed on her side. That was when I moved her to a small box. She tried hard to swim, but she couldn't even stay upright. She swam lopsided, and even went upside down at one point. Then she landed on the bottom. Sounds like ammonia... 
Okay, ill do some research. I just feel like its all my fault. I feel like a horrible person. :(
Sorry for your loss :(
Remember that your tank is still uncycled and your remaining fish needs help now.  Even if she is looking and acting normally, she is suffering.  If you are willing to learn how to do a fishless cycle then consider returning her to the LFS as Wilder suggested.  Otherwise you will need to be able to give her lots of water changes to help her pull through this.
I know how you feel it;s awful.It's a learning process. Not nice when you lose fish to not having the knowledge on how to look after them properly.
I would do a fishless cycle. Thats your choice. But at least you can enjoy the hobby more and not feel guilty.
Even when you have done a fishless cycle you can only add a few fish at a time, Not all at once.
Research for yourself don't always take LFS advice as gospel.
Fish forums are a great research for learning.
Good Luck.
I fear that returning the remaining fish won't save her life. I've seen the conditions that the fish are in. 

I will talk with my mom about all of this. However, I can't return the live fish. Petco only takes back dead fish. 

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