***Corydora Crazy***
From size - It looks like a heavily pregnant female,a better pic would be good does he/she have a pointed fin or a rounded fin in front of its anal hole?Ok thank you so much. I was looking in my tank and i have two dalmation molly and the one looks like it is getting big but i cant tell if its male or female what do you think? i attach a photo i hope it worked
Regarding your guppy,like hugesomefish mentioned,the easiest way is to catch the fry has opposed to trapping the female,especially guppies,who have a tendency to jump out of the trap,or like your other one,unfortunately dies,guppy get more stressed,well thats what i found with mine...
What other fish do you have in the tank?
Make sure you have plenty of cover,like plants etc for the fry to hide in,this makes their survival better until you catch them,although they do hide well,you may not spot them at first,invest in a turkey baster,they are a god send for sucking up fry out of the tank
Good luck