Fish Herder
I came home today and when I turned on the light in my tank I had a big surprise. One of my anubias leaves is covered with eggs! I am not planning on trying to raise the fry. My angels have been snacking on the eggs. I am pretty sure they are from my boesmani's or my dwarf rainbows, but I am not sure. They seem a little too big to be from my glolites. I wouldn't mind trying to raise fry in the future, but time and money constraints prevent me from doing it right now. If by chance some eggs do not get eaten, what should I feed the fry? My tank is planted pretty heavily, so if they survive I hope they hide in the plants cause I don't have another tank they can go into right now.
Anyway, enough of my rambling, I just wanted to share my excitement, even though it will be short lived.
I came home today and when I turned on the light in my tank I had a big surprise. One of my anubias leaves is covered with eggs! I am not planning on trying to raise the fry. My angels have been snacking on the eggs. I am pretty sure they are from my boesmani's or my dwarf rainbows, but I am not sure. They seem a little too big to be from my glolites. I wouldn't mind trying to raise fry in the future, but time and money constraints prevent me from doing it right now. If by chance some eggs do not get eaten, what should I feed the fry? My tank is planted pretty heavily, so if they survive I hope they hide in the plants cause I don't have another tank they can go into right now.
Anyway, enough of my rambling, I just wanted to share my excitement, even though it will be short lived.