I think my rainbows spawned today!


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2005
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I came home today and when I turned on the light in my tank I had a big surprise. One of my anubias leaves is covered with eggs! I am not planning on trying to raise the fry. My angels have been snacking on the eggs. I am pretty sure they are from my boesmani's or my dwarf rainbows, but I am not sure. They seem a little too big to be from my glolites. I wouldn't mind trying to raise fry in the future, but time and money constraints prevent me from doing it right now. If by chance some eggs do not get eaten, what should I feed the fry? My tank is planted pretty heavily, so if they survive I hope they hide in the plants cause I don't have another tank they can go into right now.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, I just wanted to share my excitement, even though it will be short lived.
Yes I am sure it wasn't angels. One of the angels is very small, the other very large. Also, the angels don't really like each other, they stay on opposite sides of the tank. My big one didn't let any other fish in the vicinity of the eggs, but it was cause he didn't want to share.

I suppose the smaller angel could have laid eggs without having them fertilized. When I saw them that is what I thought, that it was the angels. But it didn't make sense as they aren't paired. My rainbow males show off for the females all morning every morning, that is why I figured it was them. I have seen my glolites trying to woo eachother, but they swim in and out of the cabomba when they do that. I am almost positive that the eggs weren't the glolites.
Boesmani rainbows lay their eggs on plants mainly fine leaved varieties (strange they have chosen anubias nana) Anyway if it is the rainbows that have spawned (I have bred M. Boesmani in the past). Considering they are in a community tank, you are not going to raise a great number (maybe only two or three making it). You have plants so there is going to be infusoria (microscopic life) within the tank. Then finely ground flake food will be readily accepted. If you wanted to raise a few more, snip the plants, with the eggs and place them in a net breeding trap, hung inside your aquarium.

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