Yeah but my catfish wouldn't like it taking up his space. He likes to roam around everywhere. He also already seems to think that the plant needs a little trimming... I have water sprites all over my tank now thanks to him X_X I've planted one disconnected sprite in the sand.bogwood covered in java moss is your friend with fry. They hide really well in there and also get food dropping in so have something to eat without ventering too far away from safety.
Option 3. Buy a plastic storage tub and make believe it is a tank. It will not allow you to watch every move your fry make, as a real tank would, but it will make a safe location to grow out your fry. I have used them in the past many times as emergency shelter for unexpected fish. The fish don't really know the difference.
I try to use one big enough for the number of fish I need to house. Never try to fill a storage tub much more than 2/3 full since it is not really designed to hold water for an extended period. My tubs are typically about 2 feet long, 1 1/2 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet deep. That means I only fill them to about the 1 foot deep mark.