Fish Addict
What a trooper. I have a little ammonia deal in each tank that changes color w/ ammonia levels. I don't know if I just forgot to change his tank last week or what, but tonight, it was blue... blue is bad. I caught him, and changed his water- and while cleaning it, I noticed a lot of his plants are raggedy (they are plastic)... I got down on the level his little cup was on and noticed his fins look a wee bit shredded
So not only has he been in toxic water all week, his fins are being torn!
Poor lil man. I filed down the plant edges best I could, and hope it'll last til Monday.
I put about 3 drops of Melafix in... I don't know for sure if it'll help, but it's helped my other fish when their fins were nipped- and they've grown back bigger than before. What kind of plants *can* the betta have? Silk? The real ones die too easily.

I put about 3 drops of Melafix in... I don't know for sure if it'll help, but it's helped my other fish when their fins were nipped- and they've grown back bigger than before. What kind of plants *can* the betta have? Silk? The real ones die too easily.