I Think I Made A Mistake... :/

A Betta would be very happy in a planted 10 gallon, And if you treat them right they get very friendly with their owner.
May I ask why the fish wasn't in the tank at the time? Were you taking it out for some reason? Glad it's okay though!
You may want to re-home it to someone who you know has a proper tank and will care for it if you don't trust that pet store. You could still ask, perhaps he just thought you weren't looking to return it.
CthulhuReborn said:

Also if you want a fish that looks like a Mollie get a platy IMHO they do fine in a 10 gallon and they looks somewhat like mollies
Sorry, Platies are not suitable for a 10 gallon either.
IMHO they can do fine http://aquariumtidings.com/platy-fish/

Life is all about opinions, all we can do is to put our opinions forward, and the OP draws their own conclusions.
Mine is to completely agree with Ch4rlie. Seriously Fish is my go-to fish encyclopedia, the two sites cited by CthulhuReborn, I would suggest, have a somewhat lesser reputation amongst experienced hobbyists.
Ninjouzata said:
May I ask why the fish wasn't in the tank at the time? Were you taking it out for some reason? Glad it's okay though!
You may want to re-home it to someone who you know has a proper tank and will care for it if you don't trust that pet store. You could still ask, perhaps he just thought you weren't looking to return it.
She wasn't in the tank because previously I was transporting and dumping old tank water in the shower. I didn't want her jostled around too much so I put her in a container on the side while I fixed the tank.  
CthulhuReborn said:
Were you like me and didn't use water declorinator? I killed 3 fish not using it
if u didn't u might want to buy a bottle
Also if you want a fish that looks like a Mollie get a platy IMHO they do fine in a 10 gallon and they looks somewhat like mollies
I do use water conditioner I have a bottle and two samples from having to buy another tank set. lol :p
Oreo is definitely a trooper she is alive and well.  Very energetic and loves the new tank set-up.  I know the tank is probably not the greatest size but if I don't overcrowd it with more fish I'm sure she'll be perfectly happy.  I need to buy some plants but other than that the tank and the fish are looking great.  Thanks for all the advice guys I think my situation is finally under control.  
Here's a picture I had to resize it online to make it upload.


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CthulhuReborn said:
How big is the tank? Looks like a nice setup
It's a five gallon tank, I know it's small, but Oreo seems to be swimming around happily.  The only thing that bothers me is that the bubbles from the bubble stone volcano are pushed  down by the filter. This new tank I bought isn't exactly the same they have a place for the filter to rest on top of the water whereas my old filter is submerged in the water itself.  The old filter already had bacteria on it so I decided to use the older one.  The place to rest the new filter means that I have to put my old filter more to the right and thus the filtered water hits the bubbles on the surface and pushes them down. I guess it's not really a problem lol but it miffs me.  UPDATE: In trying to reposition the filter I accidentally made the filter package open D: I fished out all the carbon but the water is cloudy because excess bacteria fell into the water. Ugh but it's just the good bacteria so I suppose it can't hurt.
Question what do I do with my tank over winter break? Thanksgiving break is only a week so if I do a water change before I leave and put one of those tablets that has compartments that dissolve in water over time that should be good.  Winter break though is like a month.  My tank is only 5 gallons should I transport it to Montreal it's only a two hour drive.  Maybe dump half the water out of the tank and transport it as is?

(With fish inside it)
Do not use one of those feeders. Especially in a small tank. Can you have someone feed her for you every few days while you're gone?
Most fish are fine not to be fed for several days, in fact some species are fine not being fed for up to 2 weeks.
So a week should be easily be ok. Just be sure fish is fed normally for 3 consecutive days and a large water change as well before you leave.
But since its only a 5 gal tank, for Winter Break I'd advise you to take fish home with you, especially if going to be away for a month....
When you transport for winter break, put your fish in a plastic bag with some of the tank water, same as when you purchased it (your LFS might give you a bag, mine is happy to do so). Don't feed your fish for a day before the move (less waste while transport = happy fish). Keep your filter media moist. When you get there, fill and dechlorinate the tank, wait for the temperature to equalise, and float your fish in the top for about half an hour. Easy-peasy.
Unfortunately unbeknownst to me she had a parasite.  I didn't recognize the symptoms in time to treat it.  I thought it was simple constipation so put her in a small tank aside and tried to do a pea-lax, but she wasn't doing any better after a few days.  I had the bad luck to come back from work to a limp fish with unmoving gills.  I don't think I'll get fish for the tank for a while after all these problems.  Maybe some snails and shrimps.  If I decided to try fish again what species is good for a five gallon tank? A betta? I'm pretty sure bettas don't like too much current and I'd like to keep using my LED volcano. Also for future reference, when I change the filter do I just change the carbon pellets and not the whole filter bag itself? You change the filter every 2 weeks right? And do a 25% water change every week? Just making sure I've got the mechanics down in case i ever  try again?  I have a gravel vac for the record, so that makes water changes easy enough.
Bettas do best in slack water, for sure, they don't like currents. You would probably be best off with shrimp, but they again aren't really keen on big currents. The thing with such a small tank is that the volcano has more of an effect in a small tank than it would in a larger tank.
I have 2 types of media in my filters - sponge and ceramic. The sponge carries out the mechanical filtration, ie taking gunk out of the water. The ceramic provides a good home for the bacteria which remove ammonia and nitrite from the water. I do not use carbon.
Carbon is used for the removal of heavy metal pollutants (eg copper). Once it has been in the water for a few weeks, it loses its ability to perform that task, whether or not it has actually done so. This is why the manufacturers tell you to change it every 4 weeks. However, since my dechlorinator (and indeed, all the decent dechlorinators I have ever come across) also removes heavy metals, Therefore, I do not use a carbon filter, and thus save myself countless £££ per year. Never change ceramic filter material. Only change sponges when the old sponge is literally shredded to pieces, and even then don't change more than a quarter of it.
With regard to water changes, I would recommend you do a 50% water change weekly, since in a 5 gallon tank, issues can build up very quickly.

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