I swear this tank is cursed


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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I have this tank that I swear is cursed. Its just a regular five gallon tank with a small filter and a hood, heated with silk plants and gravel. The first fish I put in it died after a week from unknown causes, so after very thoroughly sterilizing it, I put Sealink in it (with a whole different filter, gravel, plants, etc.) and she started developing all kinds of problems. It started when a mysterious film started on top of the water, and all went down hill from there. She has since died as well.
Now Pulpul is in it. I once more sterilized the tank (salt water, hot water, cold water, vinegar, and about 12 rinses) and bought all new plants, gravel, and a new filter. And yet... that film has started, and all of a sudden, Pulpul has a reoccurance of septicemia, a massive hematoma in one of his fins, irritated looking gills, and fin rot. He was FINE until I moved him into this tank (his old tank cracked), and it is not a water quality or dechlorinator issue as I use the same on all of my bettas and they are doing fine.
Is it possible that something in this tank that isn't killed by cleaning is hurting my fish? I'm freaking out about this. Should I just say "screw it" and buy a new tank? Anyone have an issue like this before?
I am immensely frustrated right now!
It does seem really, really odd that even with a filter that tank keeps getting a film on the top.

I am a complete freak about reusing anything stuff that had sick fish in it, so I'm probably not the right person to be responding to this.

Is it glass or acrylic?
Acrylic. Just because I'm really paranoid that the tank is to blame, I'm temporarily moving him into a Kritter Keeper and am going to do daily water changes and put him on an anti-bacterial. If he gets better out of that tank, the tank is gone and I'm getting him a new one. If he still does poorly, I'll have to assume he's just very sickly and get him some silver.
I'm getting very tired of sick fish; I think this betta hospice is going to put an end to my fishkeeping after all the boys pass away. They're just too high-maintence, too expensive, and too sad. :/
I hear ya.
I'm getting really, really burned out on the emotional highs and lows of seeing these guys and gals in these conditions, and going from store to store only to be irritated by something else they're doing. I really really enjoy my girly tank - and always have. But this morning I found Cloey completely ballooned up with stringy poo hanging from her. I'm NOT excited about that at all. :/ I guess it will just have to be dealt with
I always have fishy chores to do - and I LOVE spending time with my fish, but life has completely changed since I now have 15 little lives depending on me.

I am still not sure how I'm going to handle things when I need to go on a vacation or leave town for any length of time.

It is very rewarding, but very hard, hard work. don't get me wrong - i'm not getting tired or or sick of my fish in any way... it's just a lot of work. It does pay off though, in the long run :)

I think you're doing the right thing by getting him into the kritter keeper.

And the colloidal - I don't think I ever went back to that one post where I posted that I'd be happy to contribute some of that to your hospice. Interested in that?
I've decided the critter keeper doesn't hold heat well enough, plus its 3 gallons so I'm figuring I'm likely to drop it if I'm carrying it around for daily cleanings (I have this HUGE problem with dropping just about anything with water in it; pretty bad for fishkeeping, eh?). So, I have a little 1 gallon tank with a VERY warm light that tends to stay at 80-82 degrees. I was keeping my baby snail in it until this summer, but its really too hot for her, and she's outgrowing it. So, Leanora Whitstand Merill has been relocated to a 3 gallon critter keeper (should help with all the poop!) and Pulpul is being moved to the one gallon. He's not going to be thrilled, but I found a med for septicemia, dropsy, and pop-eye that goes by drops per gallon, so this should work out nicely. I've used the same brand (not med) for Ich and it was very effective.
Frankly I am getting worried about dropsy as the hematoma - or whatever it is - is spreading up towards his body and the scales look a little inflamed in that area. He also looks a little chubby, but that could be all the blood worms.
Well, lets see... checklist:
- 80-82 degree water
- Salt
- Anti-bacterial medicie
- Stress Coat
- Bio Coat
- Dechlorinator
- Low-Traffic area of the house.
- Live and Frozen Foods
I think that sounds pretty good. Hopefully this will help.

Thanks for the offer on the silver. How about I see how this works first before you spend money on that? I'd feel badly taking money from you since you have so many little fishies yourself! Also, I have to ask my dad if he has any - he was on a bunch of hollistic stuff a while back and raved about collodial silver. Maybe he still has some.

I'm def. thinking I'm about done with fishies. I love them to bits, but emotionally and financially they are a bit too cumbersome. Not that I won't keep and love the guys I have (including my 2 goldies, who I hope will be with me for the next 30 years!), but frankly once I'm out of school, all of my time will be going into my birds and my work. I'm not going to have time or money for sick animals that need to be monitered around the clock.
However, since I have all these tanks, I can think of one very low-maintence pet that would do great in them: Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches! I've been thinking of getting more for a while now (I miss my guys), but all I had was 10 gallon tanks. As much as they'd like them, they are just a wee bit space consuming for one bug each, plus the lids aren't secure. But - now I have all of this hooded 5 gallon aquariums! I could set up all kinds of perching and substrate, the light would provide some warmth without burning them up like a pad or rock might, and they're just the right size for one male or female each.
I don't know what to say on your tank, that does sound odd. -_-

You mentioning your birds made me remember a post on another board in which someone posted saying they were going to either get a fish or a bird, and asked people their opinions which they should get. Many spoke up right away saying that the fish would be the easier/cheaper pet. Me and one other person were the only people to say that if done correctly, fish are not cheap pets and not necessarily easy. By far I put more work (and have put quite a good bit of money) into caring for my fish compared to the general maintenance of my bird.

I hope your little guy is able to pull through whatever is wrong.
There probably is something in your tank that you haven't cleaned out yet. I would try bleaching it and that should destroy anything nasty that's living in there! :thumbs:
Well, the main reason I've not bleached is that it would be very hard to make sure it was all rinsed out. Furthermore, acrylic is basically plastic, which leads me to believe it is porous and could hold some of the bleach. I'd sooner just buy another tank, and put a non-aquatic animal in this one.

Well, Pulpul looks VERY sad in his little tank, but with any luck this will clear up whatever he's sick with. I'm not feeling too confident about the warty growths on his pectoral and ventral fins... I tried an anti-parasite to see if they were caused by something internal, but they seem to just be growths. They're the same color as the fin, they just look like little nubs under the surface. Hopefully his chubby look isn't a mass; one of my other orange betta died of a belly mass, and he had little warty nubs on his fins prior to dying too.
Ooooh - I hope you your dad has some colloidal for you.
and I wouldn't at all be opposed to buying a nice sized bottle and splitting it with you - so we could both have some. i really need to get some here for my fishes.

Keep us posted - I wish I had some advice for you on what to do for him, but I haven't had any of the issues you're looking at right now. :/
A film on the surface eh? The only time I have a gas-like film on the surface is when there is almost no current (built a little current stopper so my betta won't get stressed). Yeah, you might want to bleach it but be real careful as a small amount of bleach will kill your fishy. Good luck :thumbs:

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