I started Advanced Emergency Medical Technician school :(

Just a regular surgical mask is required in the ER, that is nation wide. N95 are not required on the ambulances at least not in my area. It varies by company. I guess its just up to administration and those people, way over my head lol
Oh yeah, I was just saying that as a surprise that even if you wore an n95 they still wouldnt let you do clinicals without the covid vaccine.
I started university at age 40, graduating at 45. I remembered nothing from HS. I relearned HS plus university materials. If a middle aged person can do it, you can too. Take notes, use flash cards ( great free ones on line) and review material from class that evening (helps it stick).
Review each day, Do Not Cram. There are techniques that will work best for your learning style; find them. I believed that I couldn't keep up with youngsters; that was never a problem. Shuck your negative ideas about your abilities. Anatomy and physiology is a beast. Everybody struggles to master it.
I am 45 an studying to take the PTCB...and a child hood cancer survivor who relapsed. The double dose of head radiation and chemo has ruined my memory so this isn't fun, but if I don't pass at the end of January I will have my technician license revoked by the state and no job...so I have to hammer it in somehow. Flashcards used to work for me, but not anymore
Bounbava: old retired teacher here - if flash cards don’t work, try recording stuff and play back to “study.” Depending on what the subject is, try drawing a picture instead of words on one side of the card. Make a concentration game of words and definitions to match them. Fold a piece of school paper in half length wise, on one side write vocabulary and on the other half, write meaning. study with a buddy. It’s better to study in increments each day than marathon study sessions.

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