I Officially Love My Dad!

My wonderful boyfriend bought me a ten gallon tank with the hood, lights, heater, filter, etc. all included. He's such a sweetie. :wub:
Aren't you lucky? My girlfriend doesn't buy me fish stuff. But I'm okay with that. She made me an amazing DVD for Valentine's day which more than surpassed any expectations I had for a present (I wasn't even expecting one).
Yes, I must admit, I do like the way that "confuzzled" rolls off the tongue :)

Lucky you bebobb! I had to pay for literally everything for my tank, bar water comditioner and that was only because I stole some of dads :p He doesn't mind I don't think!

No boyfriend, so I have no sorts of donations from sources like that!
My dad groans about everything that I buy, even if I pay for it(which I always do).

My mom on the other hand buys me just about whatever I want (to an extent :rolleyes: )
Let's do it Ludwig! I can be the president, and you can be the vice.........

FISH. See, this post IS relevant to fish!
Haha! The TFF Randoms Dictionary! :lol:

Can you imagine it sitting on the WHSmith shelf next to the Oxford thesaurus...

FISH! (Also relevant! :p )
Let's do it Ludwig! I can be the president, and you can be the vice.........

FISH. See, this post IS relevant to fish!

Now if you had said I could be president!!!... it was on!!!!! but let's give Hensonc4098 (whatever that stands for) her topic back!!!!... I agree with SH.... tell your daddy you love him.... I'm a daddy... I'll appreciate that more than anything!... You'll get your refrigerator.
Haha! Hensonc4098 is my school login and I just use it for everything so I remember! :lol: Henson is my second name and Claire is my first name - that's the hensonc bit. Then 40 was the year that our primary school opened (since it was them that made my username) and 98 was the year that I started school!

See! It does make sense... Sortof :p

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