I Need Your Opinions!


New Member
Feb 23, 2007
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I have a bi color blenny and a lawnmower blenny. The lawnmower (chomp) chased the bi color (benny) for a while, but gave up on him and they tolerate eachother now. I am in LOVE with the midas blenny. Think its wise to put one with Chomp and Benny? I did hear that the midas is ornery, would it just harrass Benny like Chomp did?

I also have a yellow tang, 2 occelaris clowns, 2 cleaner shrimp and an eiblii angel in a 75 gallon fish only tank. And on a side note, I really like the blue-green chromis, how many do you recommend I get, if any? I was thinking around 5. Would that be too much for my tank?
The Midas Blenny would likely harass the Bi-colour Blenny (they are in the same genus), and in any event the benthic Bi-colour would probably lose against the more carnivorous Midas.

5 Chromis would not be overstocking. :good:

5 chromis would be great in your tank. They are a wonderful addition, like little jewels swimming around and always active.

I agree with Lynden about the blennies though.
I think Chromis could be my favourite fish!

I would love to have a tank with a mini school of chromis, about 30 of em would be great with a few other bits and bobs in there.

In fact I might just have to look into that :D
Ooooh I'm excited to get my chromis now! I think ill go sometime this week. I know a store that has them for $4.99 that's the cheapest I've seen. Thanks everyone!

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