I need suggestions.


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
So, since Lucky got into his new container I've only done a couple of water changes. Each one has been significantly interesting, with the last one being the most "interesting". that's the one where he jumped and went down the drain. Thank goodness I was able to save him.

Today I need to do another change for him, and he has been completely a freak lately - swimming around his tank like he's a psycho. I move my mouse cord and he flips out. I can't imagine how much fun this water change is going to be.

Anyone have suggestions for me on how to make this smooth and painless for us both? He's in a little tank that's very awkward and I can't really dip a cup into the tank cuz it won't really fit, with the big sized cups I use.

and DON'T WORRY - he won't be anywhere near the sink when I'm xferring him to his holding cup.

and I AM GOING TO do a 100% water change - not an option to leave him in the tank. that wouldn't benefit me anyway, cuz he'll jump out as I learned the last time if i'm just dumping the water out but leaving enough in it for him to still swim.
Do you have a large bucket? Sometimes I will just pour angus's water and a little fresh water into a bucket and place his bowl into the bucket so Angus can just swim out of the bowl on his own. Or you can just tip the tank/bowl sideways and they will usually swim right out.

Then I just take his bowl and clean everything out. :thumbs:
I say yes pour him into another bowl, put a lid on it and change his water.

YOu can buy this little betta bowl thing at walmart...it has a hole and a plug on the bottom and a vented lid up top...you could pour him into one of those, then pull the plug and let all the water but a little..then slide him into the fresh water that way.

Good idea.
I'll see if we have a bucket somewhere here @ work...

He is quite the jumper though, and I'm petrified that he'll jump a few feet and miss the bucket.
He HAD to have jumped at least a foot the other day.
I was completley amazed.
I have one you can have if you want it....I have like 20 of those things lol.

I'll send it out today, along with those leaves...I'll send it priority mail so it's there in 2 days. :thumbs:
BettaMomma - You need a bucket that ONLY for water changes - anything used around the house/office is likely to have chemical residue in it from cleaning - the most common household use of buckets in places where everybody isn't fish obsessed. :p

Go buy yourself a small, cheapo bucket and use it only for water changes. :thumbs:
Yep, I know :)
I just did his change today with a good ol' solo cup.
He actually behaved VERY well.

Six also got a water change.
He is still acting very Eeyore-ish.
He lays around a lot, but when I pay attention to him he perks up.

They were both really good with the water changes!
:clap: I'm glad that changing went well for you and your guys. I was wondering if Lucky was going to have another tryout for the sewer surfing team. :look: Luckily for me, I still have my -throughly cleaned out - betta cups that mine came in. These are the nicer, somewhat larger ones that the-super-duper-chain-department-store-that-shall-not-be-named is now using.

Eeyore would have been a fun name for Six - I'd like to use it but it doesn't fit my naming scheme.
I am SO glad too.
This time, not only did I plug the drain in the sink AFTER i rinsed and wiped it out, I also ran water in the sink about 3" deep, and dechlorinated it before i started the water change.

just in case.


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