Hi fks&m's
I have to climb back up on my "silver preaching stand", if you go to your local health food store and buy something called colloidal silver it should help you prevent most of the problems your having with your fish, add a few drops to the bag the fish comes in and inclimate him at the same time, this is only a suggestion mind you, but I use it and my fish are never ever sick (knock on wood) basically it's an antibacterial solution. The use of silver as medicine goes waaay back to the pioneer days, in the olden days people would put a silver dollar in their milk while traveling across country because...the silver prevented the milk from going sour, also during a plaque in England during the 1800's that killed a LOT of people, all the rich survived because they ate from silver dinnerware and drank from silver cups, even the Egyptians lined their teeth in silver, but since it is a natural mineral the goverment can't patent it, which means they have no right to it exclusively so there's no way for the Dr.s and whatnot to profit ,so it's no longer used except on burn victims and newborn babies, they put it in babies eyes as soon as they are born to prevent infection and on burns it helps because unlike neosporin and stuff of that sort, it won't destroy the skin in order to heal infection. But in the case of fish (by the way this stuff is perfectly safe for humans and animals) it just gives their immune system a boost and kinda makes them resistent to sickness, I firmly believe in it and recommend it to everybody I know so I thought I'd give you a tip, if your interested.
But on another note....whoever supplies your fish to you must be doing something wrong somehow, your fish seem to be so sickly and I'm sure it's nothing that you're doing because you obviously care deeply for them, so I'm sure they're not ignored or anything. If I were you, I would go into my LFS raising heck over the condition of the fish they keep, that's not right at all and more than likely they have a know-nothing running the fish dept and it doesn't have to be that way, but it also could boil down to their supplier, either way you should confront somebody (manager ,if not even higher up than him/her) on the stock that they keep. Maybe they're not even aware of the problems if they don't keep the fish in stock long enough to determine a problem maybe you can at least raise their awareness, better yet draw attention to the situation and maybe they'll hire a whole new staff