I need some advice fast More news

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
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Hazard Kentucky
I think he could have chewed up a shoe or something, I am not for sure. He stays hid all the time and I finally found him yesterday. And low and behold he had my new nike chewed all to pieces, And he is throwing up everything he eats and wont do nothing but lay. all the vet offices is closed today due to the holiday. And I cant take him to the doctor until morning. What can I do in the mean time. I spoke to the vet this morning and she told me to get vasline and put it on the roof of his mouth and not give him anything at all to eat, Just pedilyte. Are they anyone else here know anything at all about ferrets,.. If so any advice will be great I dont want to lose another animal I cant take it. I am a big softy when it comes to my babies. :unsure: :sad: :sad: :sad:
If he is vomitting and refusing to eat, it is very possible that he has a blockage. The trouble with blockages is that they can cause septicemia when waste builds up in the system, and they can decrease circulation to parts of the intestines. He may require surgery, not to scare you too much. :/
My advice would be to listen to what your vet says; if you keep him well hydrated, it will "water down" any waste levels that could be growing high in his blood. The advantage of pedialyte is that it also keeps vital elecrolytes and water soluable vitamins he is losing from vomitting in his system.
The vasaline I am assuming is to help lubricate his bowels in case there is a blockage? I would guess that if they make anti-hairball pastes for ferrets, this could help too, but if your vet didn't suggest it, it may not be the best idea.

That aside? Just keep him warm and comfortable; he is allready ill, and stress would only make it worse. I'm surprised you don't have an emergency clinic in your area; they are usually open night and day, including holidays. But, it looks like your appointment is as soon as you can get it, so until then, I'll have my fingers crossed for you.

Just as a side note - please in the future only let your fella loose in "ferret proofed" rooms; most of the ferrets we see in practice are there because they ingested something harmful. If he has so much roam that you can't even find him sometimes, that is a bad thing; the room he is in shouldn't have any unsafe toys, electrical chords, small injestible non-food items, harmful foods, open toilet bowls, garbage cans, etc. It may seem more restricted and less fun, but trust me - you'll be happy for the load of stress it will take off of your shoulders. :thumbs:
Well I am getting ready to take the little fellow to the vet, You all wish me luck I am so worried, I was up all nite with him tryiing to keep him from getting dehydrated. I would give him 3cc of water ever hour on the hour. So I wll let you all know how it turns out.. :dunno:
Good luck! I hope the solution is easily found and treated, and do keep us updated. We'll all be praying/thinking about him!
I'm sorry I can't help with finding a resolution to the problem or have some sort of advice, but I hope your new ferret feels better soon.
Well I am back but my ferret had to stay. He has something hung in his neck and cannot swallow. That boy has had a real rough life. The vet said he should be fine. So I will keep you all updated. I should know something more about him in the morning. When I go to pick up my other cats. I had a couple neutered and one spayed. I have had it rough with my animals this week.
Glad to hear that it wasn't too terribly serious; sounds like he'll be back on his feet in no time! :clap:
I should have refrazed this better, The ferret had a infection, Its fever was 103 today. He gave it a shot and told me it would have to stay with him for a while. Then he happen tp hear it gurgle when he tried to but some antibiotic, and he said it had something in its neck..He said it would take more than a few days to get well. I ask him if my other ferrets could get it and he said no..
:sad: I went back to vets office to check on my little baby, and it turns out that it has a tumor in its neck and the ferret isnt able to eat anything it wont go down. the news isnt to good. He is going to run a light down passed its neck and see how far it has developed. But I dont hold much hope at all. I have cried ever since I got back home. I was wondering if any of you all know where a good ferret doctor is. I will drive him to see him or her if I thought I could save him.. :-( :-( :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
A tumor in the espohogus? Does he know if it's a melanoma? Is he going to biopsy or attempt to remove it? Sounds like quite an odd place for a tumor. If it's on the neck, running an endoscope wouldn't do much... so the tumor is actually in the throat? Or is it deeper? Ughhh, poor guy :/

You can go to http://www.aemv.org and look for a vet in your area that specializes in exotic mammals. I hope you find one!
It could be thyroid cancer or another similar glandular cancer; ferrets are especially prone to adrenal cancer, but get other types often as well. Since it is in the throat, thyroid would be my first guess. But, I am not a veterinarian, so I can't very well say for sure. Especially having not seen the animal.

I am very sorry to hear this news, Angel Lady :( Hopefully the mass is something treatable; perhaps it will turn out to be non-cancerous and can be removed? I don't know if they are taking a biopsy or not, but benign tumors are always possible.

Is the vet you took him to a ferret specialist, an exotics vet, or a general vet? Maybe if he is just a general vet, you could look for exotics or specialists in your area? If you didn't live so far away, I could help you search, but frankly I can't even think of any good ferret vets up here in NY.
he is just a regular vet. I am sorry to say and by the time I got the ferret he was too far gone. I will check it out and see what I can come up with..

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