I Need Info On The Pictus Catfish


Nov 4, 2005
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i have one but dont no much about them so i was hopeing to get some info on what they like and stuff cuz the one i have has started grewing faster then when i first got it is that normal ??..........................any info on this fish is good
I was looking into getting one some time back. From what I remember, they can reach about 10" long and will eat smaller fishes.
hmmm realy i was going to put him in a new 6 foot long tank with only about 3 other fish so he could grew alot what sort of fish wont he eat?
Pimelodus pictus are a highly predatory fish that will max out at about 6" in the aquarium (10" in the wild).

They are said to prefer groups, though I and a number of others have noticed the only interaction between (sub)adults is bickering over sitting spots under woods and in caves.

They seem to be sensitive to water conditions and so are recommended for more settled tanks (6 months old).

Expect anything less than half their length and not especially deep bodied to be on the menu. Need a fair size tank due to being active. I wouldn't want to put them in anything much less than a 48x12 footprint.
hmmm okay so what sort of other fish would injoy being with it i only plan on adding a few cuz i want to have plent of room for grewing
I have a couple of Pims, initially, I just had one and he was just not happy, even though there was plenty of hiding places he just went up and down the tank vertically all day and night it must of been exausting and he rubbed a little white patch on his nose.

I got a little worried about him and stuck in a second one.His behaviors changed immediatly, they swim around quite happily together and hide together and yes bicker alot together but they seem much happier. So if you want to see the most from them he might like a buddy or two

Mine are in a heavily planted 4ft tank with a gibbicep an African Knife fish (both grow big), four large clawed shrimp (but I don't recommend that, i'm gonna move mine soon) and a pair of mature kribs, I don't know why my kribs never seem to get any grief perhaps because they are quite stroppy and fast, in the past i have put them in with quite serious predators and never had problems. But that might just be me so don't take that as gospel.

My Pims also went through a growth spurt after i bought them but now they are about 3.5" and have slowed right down.

I'm no expert and I might be slated for the advice but mine have all seemed fine, hope thats some help.
I found that once my 5 pims got past 4" they are far from shoaling, and will only interact by fighting for places in bogwood. This commenced in a 6x2x2 and has continued in their current 3 foot tank.
hmmm intresting i am not shore what to do now if i should get anuther one or not cuz i dont want a sad fish are there any other fish that dont grew to big that he wont eat that he will be friends with .......at the moment the one i have is happy hes still very small and thinks hes a cory :lol:

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