I need HELP

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
Redlands, Ca
My white/opaque betta decided I couldnt feed him fast enough!!!! :rolleyes: :crazy:

I already had three pellets in my fingers when I opened the lid and put my hand over it and started to drop the pellets when I felt something cold and wet on my palm. I thought maybe Xerxes just splashed me when I look to see where the water went I saw Xerxes on the counter. :eek: :crazy:

He seems fine acting normal even ate the food I dropped in his tank, but the very tips of his tail and bottom fin are blood red like he was cut. And its just the tip of the tines that are like this, I freaked when he jumped cause he was wiggling all over and I tried to pick him up, it was hard cause Ive never held a live fish and I didnt want to squeeze him to hard so I finally got a grip on him and got him in his tank. I saw no other obvious signs of damage on body or other fins.

I add more slime coat to the water on top of what was already there cause the bottle says its good for damaged/torn fins and scales from handling and netting so I added another dose and checked him again and the red seems to be fading slowly.

Is there more I need to do, fortunately I just did a water change last night so water is clean and I will do a full water change in the morning just on him to keep finrot and infection away.

I already in my regular process of water changes add 1/2 tsp of aquarium salt and 15 drops of slime coat and 4 drops dechlorinator and I use only bottled water.
My tank is a 1/2 gallon light substrate and one small silk plant. Water is changed every 3 days.

If this sounds good enough to help him recover, or if you guys have better suggestions tell me please. I dont want to battle another case of fin rot or anyother diseases so any and all info is welcome.
Thanks for reading. :)
well first i would recommend that you get him at least a 1 gallon container :)
15 drops of slime coating for 1/2 gallon?!?! thats a lot!
honestly i think he will be fine. but make sure if that happens again to wet your hands or put some slime coat protector on them before you attempt to pick him up.
:rolleyes: Friendly fella, huh. He should be OK. I would just watch him closly for a few days. It does seem like you are putting a lot of stuff in the water. My dechlorinator says only 2 drops per gallon of water. But it varies from brand to brand. I agree that if you can to go to at least a gallon container. It allows Bettas to move about a bit and he may not be as inclined to jump. However, way in the past, I had to learn the hard way to keep my Betta homes well covered. I lost one before I realised they jumped out of their aquarium sometimes. And always, if you must handle a fish, be sure to wet your hands. It is easy to forget in the excitement of the moment.
Thanks for the advise. And my bettas have all been perfectly happy in there half gallon homes. They are betta homes and look like this:

My tanks I have the purple and the green.

I removed the plastic plant and bought silk. :D

I do numerous water change and half changes everyday. I am home all day as a stay at home mom so I love to take care of my fish when I have free time ( nap time, movie time, etc.)
So I know they have plenty of clean water and I never leave food in the tanks.

Now for the slime coat:

Slime coat and it says 2 tsp for 10 gallons so I put in an 1/8 tsp and measured in drops its about 15.

and the dechlorinator is:

This is is different bottle mine says for bettas and goldfish. and It says 8 drops per gallon.

And the funniest part about it is I use only bottled water but I add it anyway to make it safe. :p
I also use this aquarium salt:
aquarium salt I use and I put in 1/4 to 1/2 tsp.

Im sorry to put all this in here but I dont want people to think my fish are neglected. Cause there not and they are not mistreated, so I guess I take offense a little when told I need a bigger tank for each of them. :(

I work very hard to make and keep them happy, i believe , and I was only just asking what the red spots where and what to do for them.
So I have done a 50% water change ( even though I did a full water change the night before) and added 10 more drops of dechlorinato and a little more salt.

He is absolute fine even after the whole ordeal. Not a single ripped or torn fin, no marks on body, didnt even get dirty.Just the tip of his tines on the tail is red and even now it seems to be fading. I see no sign of fin rot no brown/black edges still a little red in some places but he acts like nothing even happened to him.

so I gues it was a little miracle for little Xerxes. :angel: :wub:

So thanks for your help and the info guys I really appreciate this forum for the truthful and helpful info you can get.
Its like my fish have little guardian angles in you guys.LOL :D
I think the salt and stress zyme is a good combo. I dropped :X my betta Anime twice two weeks ago, and he was out for a while :X I did the exact same, and he is great now. They are pretty tough. Keep us posted! ;)
Well today Xerxes seem perfect no sign of redness and hes still as happy as he ever was.

I do notice that when I go over to his tank and sit and watch him a little the red comes back so Im thinking its like hes getting flushed ( ya know like humans blush) and when I leave and come back in a few minutes hes plain white again.

So maybe its like a stress/ flushing type redness and nothing bad after all. Like maybe the fall scared him and he started to flush ( blush) from the whole ordeal

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