I need help!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 12, 2004
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Under the Sea..
:eek: Hey guys can you answer some of my questions pleaseee?!
I just want to know what does it mean when some of your fishies are getting little white dots on their fins and body? Also what's the meaning of them changing colours? I have 2 that are getting a little ligther in colour? What's going on? What should I do?? :-(
When you say white dots......do they white dots look like someone has sprinkled salt on your fish? If so then they have whitespot....caused by a parasite....is easy to treat with either medications/salt/higher water temp (or combinations)....you cannot use salt with catfish though as it may burn their skin. My best advice would be to go to your fish shop and ask them for white spot medication (there will be directions on the bottle)..

Also, what kind of fish do you have? Is your tank cycled?
Chooklet has good advice. They probably are fading in color because they are stressed or ill. Once they are happy and healty again they will color up :) Please don't wait to get them treated, the sooner ther better.

the sooner ther better.
there is no point in treating for whitespot as soon as you see the spots appear.
its pointless. the parsite can only be killed when its in the free swimming stage of its life cycle. this means when it has left the hoast (the fish)
this is not written by me. but its a brilliant answer to cureing whitespot.

1. notice white spots and test water params. if there is ANY amonia or nitrite in the water then rectify this FIRST dilute with a water change how much depends on age of tank and levels of toxins

2. do spots go in a day or so? if yes wait!!!!!! it may return as that is the nature of the ich life cycle. there is absolutely NO POINT what so ever adding a med soon as you see white spots as no meds are affective against the ich untill it is off the host and in the free swiming stage! if the spots dont go then raise the temp to between 82-84 depending on species of fish being kept! you may even be able to raise it higther depending on the fish you have. the reason you raise the temp is because is speeds up the life cycle of ich in low level infestations this can be enougth for the ich to out compete itself and die off! it also accelerates the metabolism of the ich and lowers the water colum oxygen level (ich can be oxygen sensitive!) some meds recomend you raise the temp so when the ich dies you think great the med works i will recomend it! if a med tells you to raise the temp bin the med as its the temp doing the work not the med! yes theese companys are that dishonest i have read one companys internal memos when i worked there!

3. wait again if spots reappear then ten test water again if water params are all ok and the fish have ich still or it has become worse then beg borow buy or steal a UV steriliser hook it upto the tank and raise temp as the ich reaches free swing stage it will pass thru UV and be killed off! before anyone moans about the cost of a uv think about how much your fish have cost to build your stock up! then compare the cost of a UV!!! if water params are still not right do another water change and keep doing them daily untill params are ok

4. if you realy cant get a UV set up a hospital tank have good airiation dont bother with a filter the meds will kill it any way! just do 40% water changes every day pref by 20% morning 20% evening as a last resort add meds to this tank make sure the tank is bare NO SUBSTRATE as this is where the ich spend 1/2 of life cycle!

most cases of ich will clear before you reach stage 4."
:) Oh wow, thank you guys for helping me out.
The white dots are like very light white dots, they seem to be spreaded throughout the body but also right at the end of their fins. I also noticed that they do seem to be swimming faster. So maybe it is the parasite.

Now when you say if my tank has been cycled, I know it was way before I got my fish but what do I do now?

Does it mean that the the parasite will also go to the other fish? The ones that have it are one small glass fish(Pinky), 2 little glowy ones not sure of the type (Chuis) and velvet wag sword(Lulu) she's just begining to get them, and one which I really don't know the type but I think it's within the glass cat family (Mini)

Now if I raise the temperature, will that be ok for the other fish??
:unsure: -_- :sad: :-(
Now when you say if my tank has been cycled, I know it was way before I got my fish but what do I do now?

when you say your tank was cycled way before you put fish in do you mean there was a period where there were no fish present in the tank?

how long have the fish been in there now?
The guy from the fish store told me to let it cycle for about 2 weeks bfore I can actually put any fish in there. In my first tank the fish have been there for about 4 months and the second one not even a month.
Is that wrong? what do I do?? :unsure:
First of all...there are no rights or wrongs when it comes to fishkeeping...what works for you may not work for other people (if you know what I mean)...

When you say your tank is cycled....what did you do to it before you put fish in there....did you add ammonia? Most likely the tank that is 4 months old is cycled however the other one may be a bit iffy.....

Let us know.....

If you raise the temperature it will be fine for the other fish.....raise it to about 28degC (82F)
:-( My Mini passed away today. He was the most infected one I guess, he did have a lot of those dots. :-(

But I really can't remeber what I did, all I remember is that I added a multi-purpose water conditioner, multi-purpose bio support and I think some stress zyme also.

So...I did raise the temperature about 2 more degrees so it's curently at 27C. But....i don't know...i'm sad about Mini :byebye:

Should I get that medicine for the others or will the rise in temperature be enough. I don't want to stress them out so much.
I would keep the temp in your tank up as well as going to a LFS (local fish shop) and getting some ich medications. They should be able to help you there..

Hang in there....I too have had my fair share of fish problems since having my tanks!!

Just think how good it'll be when it is all fixed and all fish are healthy and happy again!!
:nod: Thank you for your help. I will do that for sure today.
It really is sad when they go 'cause you just get to them in their silly way.
:) Just answering my own question.
Which means that they are sick, but just to let you know Chooklet, I am treating them and they seem like they are getting better because theya re swiming around again. :D

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