I need help pick out a fish tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2003
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As of now i only have one 10 gallon which i was told was way over stocked but o well no fatalities but when i went to wal-mart today i noticed a 37 gallon fish tank which tempted me to buy would this be a good size to consider buying and after christmas ill be rich so money is not a matter any suggestions on fish to put in it after i have cycled and so on, i may keep my over stocked 10 gallon up but then again i might move those fish into the bigger one and use the 10 for a spare and give my gold fish away to my friend cuz i took him from a wedding i wasnt expecting for him to live this long with the tropical temp but he was way smaller when i got him he sort of just adjusted i guess.

plz give me sugestions thanx :whistle:
what kinda stuff should i get for it like for heaters,filters and what ever else is nessesary what is the best filter? how many watt heater would i need? ive talked it over with my parents and they seem to think it would be ok i found a perfect place for it down in my basemet.

ohh yes and thanx fish_are_great for your say on this subject i would love to try those types of fish u sugested
i was thinking the exact same thinking about that bio wheel filter that seems to be the in thing to buy lol the heater that u sugested sounds good ill pick one up when i go to buy the tank also for substrate im just goona get some black substrate as of now in my 10gal i have teal/green and after buying i wished i would have got black
and also ill pick up some plants and what about rocks? can i use some from out side if i clean them good? theres only certain kinds that can be used right?
Some rock will alyer your ph thats all i know though also the substrate sounds great it will really compliment your gourami (if its a neon dwarf) and your rainbows if you get any
Hi keeper_of_fish :)

The new tank sounds great! And, it's no harder to take care of a big tank instead of a small one. :nod: You have to do all the same things, but the bigger tank has the advantage of having more room for you to move around and do them.

Do you plan to cycle with fish in the tank? If so, you can use your 10 gallon to give you a good head start on the job.

Either way, get the new filter up and running in the 10 gallon just as soon as you get it so that it can collect beneficial bacteria to bring to the new tank. Leave the old one running, too. If you move the fish to the new tank right away, you can run both filters for a few weeks to get the advantage of the bacteria in them. Then, take the old one down.

If you are going to move the fish into the new tank to cycle with them and don't want to use the old gravel, you can still take advantage of the bacteria in it by bagging it up in nylon stockings (knee hi is a good size) and putting it into the new tank. The bacteria will spread into your new gravel and after a few weeks you can take it out and throw it away or clean and dry it to use another time.

If you get plants or decorations for the new tank, get them early and put them in the old tank, too. They will also collect the good bacteria.

While you may have unsightly tanks for a little while, the advance planning will pay off by cycling your tank much more efficiently and quickly. :D
wow wee great info :hyper: cant wait to get this beast up and running so if i put ortaments in my 10 they colect the bacteria too thats awsome 2 filter running in a 10 gal that will be a heck of a clean 10 gallon lol i might do that nylon thing u sugeted sounds like a good idea well im doing all this can i have the fish in the new tank like what would the easiest way to do a cycle with the fish in it i also use fish cycle which adds bacteria and reduces ammonia this tank will be cycled rather quickly no? and i got the test kits
keeper-of-fish said:
....well im doing all this can i have the fish in the new tank like what would the easiest way to do a cycle with the fish in it i also use fish cycle which adds bacteria and reduces ammonia this tank will be cycled rather quickly no? and i got the test kits
Hi keeper-of-fish :)

If you have the test kits for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate you are ready to get started. But before you do, be sure to read this article very carefully. :nod:


Be sure that you understand what will be happening in your tank with the bacteria and the chemicals so that you will understand what you are looking for when you read your tests and know what to do to manage and help it proceed correctly.

Since you will have fish in the tank, you do not have to know the part about fishless cycling. Either way will work well for you. You do not have so many fish that cycling it will be hard to manage, especially if you give the goldfish away or keep it in the tank you already have. When you have the new tank cycled and are ready to add new fish, just add a few at a time and let the bacteria catch up with the additional fish load.

Good luck and keep us posted on how it is going. :D
good info great info i think im gonna keep my 10 gallon up and use my 6 tetras to cycle the new tank i think they are tough enuff or at least i hope to get the job done then mabe after that cycle ill take em out or mabe ill grow attatched to them in that aquarium mabe ill buy 3 more of each and some bottom feeders that would be pritty awsome and then some other stuff too havent had this big of a tank before im gettin excited buying the tank tomorow from wally world.
Hi keeper-of-fish :)

It's wonderful to see you so excited about getting your new tank! :thumbs:

But, remember what you have to do. First, you have to get as much bacteria gathered from your old tank as you can. Once it's in your new tank you have the job of cycling well on its way. Your tetras can handle the rest as long as you monitor it with your test kits and do water changes whenever necessary. You have that part right!

Just take it easy and don't add other fish too soon. (But take a look at the cory cats, they're my favorites! :lol: )

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