I Need A Question Answering Regarding Stocking

May 16, 2007
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Right my tank has been cycling for around 17 days now, today i added bactinette to my tank.

I added a few more fish today, so far i have 5 zebra danios, 3 neons, 1 really small angelfish and 5 rasboras in the tank.

Tomorrow i may be purchasing a red tailed black shark but the thing is i want to add aquatic dwarf frogs, some gouramis, 1 or 2 more angels and some more neons and tetras to the tank.

Would any of these fish be in dnger of being bullied or killed by the red tailed black shark?
I would be a little concerned about the neons becoming lunch. My basic rule of thumb is to get a good look at an adult fish, and if it's mouth is large enough to fit any of my fish in, I don't get it.
What size is your tank? Cardinals would be a better option over neons, slightly larger and hardier but could end up being lunch. To help prevent that add them before angels. I would skip the shark, they can get aggressive towards other fish. I would keep only one angel to prevent aggression and one gourami or make sure they are a pair, they also might show aggression towards the angel or other fish so watch out for that. The frogs are practically blind and might need to be fed specifically if other fish are stealing their food. Just some things to watch out for, good luck
Personally I don't know if we have enough information to address this question accurately. I do think tank size in this case is extremely important to know. I'm assuming that your water parameters are appropriate for new fish. What kind of rasboras and gouramis?

In a big enough tank you might be able to get away with your current stocking plan, particularly if you decorated it heavily with plants or brick-a-brack.

I've never gotten a red-tailed shark because my own opinion is they can be very nasty. My wife assures me that in her experience they are only territorial and can be a good community fish. They can be confused with red-finned or rainbow sharks which are quite a bit more aggressive.

I'd be hopeful that you had something like a 50-55g, or 40g at the smallest to accomodate these fish.

IMO atmmachine and dthoffsett gave excellent advice about compatibility.

The yorkies in your signature pictures are absolutely adorable!

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