I My Betta Just Getting Old?

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sorry sorry sorry

the laptop ive been using cant take pictures on it. i need to use our other computer.i just never find time.
as for water parameters....well...no one ever told me about them until i was pretty far along keeping fish. then i was told i didnt need to worry about it too much.so.... i really dont know
It's alright.
Do you have a phone that can take pictures? Or a camera?
As for water parameters, it's always best to have a test kit around, even if the tank is finished cycling and fully stocked.
I recommend picking up a liquid test kit at your lfs

You can upload a picture onto a photo-sharing site such as photobucket and then link it here.
is there any other way? i really dont want to sign up for anything
If you have a cell phone you could send the photo to yourself in an e-mail. Could your laptop store pictures from there? If so, then you can go into the paint program and resize the picture in there. Save it and when you're ready to post a picture with a post you click the "More reply options" button just below to the right of the field you write your post! There you find the "Attach Files" prompt, and click below on the choose files button. Hope this helps
Although it may be that your betta is getting old, it sounds like it is more than that.  A lot of bettas from pet stores are lucky to reach their 2nd yr of life with all the hardships they have to live through.  A community tank is not easy on a betta especially with schooling fish that are not in big enough schools which makes them nippy.  Temperature and nutrition are two other factors that can take a big toll on a betta's well being.  Bettas need a diet of protein rich foods.  The flakes that you are feeding your fish is not good for your betta as it contains too much vegetable matter and not enough protein for them.   They need very warm temperatures that stay stable.  The min temp needs to be no less than 78F with 82F being the best.  Without a pic, I can really say for sure whether it is just your betta getting old or if something else is going on that you can fix.  What is your water change schedule like?  How often do you change water and how much water?  This is especially important since you have not cycled the tank and don't have any ideas on what your tank parameters are at this point.
Try http://www.postimg.org/
You don't need to sign up for that site. I use it all the time.

I never was able to buy a test kit, so I'd take my water to PetSmart to be tested occasionally. Maybe you could do that? They do it for free :)
I kept my betta in a community tank for 2+ years with no problem, but then I fed him betta pellets and the others tropical fish flakes, and he had several hiding places. His favorite was a 'broken jars' ornament that rested right on top of the bubble stream from the air pump, he would spend hours either there or among the strands of hornwort. No one ever bothered him, and he never bothered anyone. Wouldn't even eat fry. I used to joke about how he'd protect my guppy fry because he'd sometimes happen to swim between a fry and the fish that was chasing it
I miss my Pishty...
Hope your baby gets better!
thanks Kiara. i think this sight will work. i will hopefully have pictures up here tomorrow afternoon
That much algae!? Your water must be sky high in contaminants. You probably should get a test kit and do daily 50% water changes until your parameters are normal. Getting live plants that are fast growing, like hornwort (hornwort was my first and doesn't require any special care), will also help.
Your fish needs his own tank. The damage I'm seeing looks like aggression (as well as fin rot, perhaps). If you can not get him his own place, then you need to be careful to change about 75% of the water every day. I'm not sure if you said this was a filtered tank, but, considering your fish has a lot of fin damage, plus your water is full of algae, I'd be very concerned about infection. Buy your own test kit (do not take a water sample to places like PetsMart where they only give you strips, as these are horribly unreliable). Test your water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.

Can you tell us how long you leave your tank lights on each day? Ammonia+light=algae, see.

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