I must Rant }:(


This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
Sep 16, 2003
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I am not very happy at all. A member of my family whom I prefer not to name has fed my convicts about 20 pellets of food and had made the tank look utterly dirty. I was extremely angry at this because I usually only give 2 of the pellets because they are quite large. Is this bad for my tank? I took all the food out because they didn't eat it and I gave the tank a 10% water change. The tank is slightly dirty and it really ruined my amazon jungle look. Its slowly dimming down but probably won't completely clean for another day. I cleaned the food peices as much as I could but there are still some small tiny peices which I cannot remove because it is too soggy. I know this is going to turn into ammonia, but will it affect my tank a lot? :-( Help, I'm not really in a happy mood for humour. :no: :(
Yea, this could definately affect your tank a lot. I would do a 30% wc and make sure you clean your filter in the tank water you take out.
after doing the 30% change that smb mentioned,lock all the food up & away from busy bodied hands :grr:
Well, do wumvy :thumbs: . I'm a little relieved now, the tank is slowly clearing and the convicts are acting as if nothing happned. I love the little guys! :wub: I was ment to give them away, but I just can't, there too good. I'll probably have to get another tank for them. About 4 weeks ago I set up a dirt pond (Not for fish) and it has quite a lot of mosquito larvae in it. They'll be getting a treat tonight!
Thats what I did. Thats the good thing about sand. You can see all the debris on top and nothing gets under it.

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