I might be getting a new rooster!


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Ok, so, our neighbors next door bought a bunch of chicks last month and were told it was going to be 9 hens and 1 rooster. Well, the babies are growing up fast and... well... it looks more like 8 hens, 2 roosters. We're not 100% sure yet, but it seems pretty definate that there are two boys; they both have the accentuated comb, the beginnings of spurs, the agressive attitude, and more colorful feathers. Since they're so young, they don't have the big impressive tail feathers yet, but soon they should start vocalizing and growing in the rest of their feathers. By then we'll know for sure.
I'm really pysched, but a little worried too. We didn't really want another rooster; we were quite content with our very elderly hen. But, if we don't take him, he's just going to end up fighting badly with the other roo because the coop they have isn't big enough to accomodate two males. I'm thinking we may need to keep him separate from our girl though so he doesn't stress her in her old age. From what I hear, all of them are completely tame and friendly since they are imprinted on humans and have spent the last month in a household getting constant attention. So, with any luck he'll have a decent temperament and won't be too agressive towards people when he matures.
I'll keep you posted on him - if we get him, what he looks like, etc. :D
Yea, we sortof do chicken rescue whenever possible. We started with a nuerologically damaged rooster abandoned by a school hatching project, who we cared for for several years but then had to relinquish to a sanctuary after he attacked someone pretty badly and they threatened to sue. We then patched up and rehomed a hen who was hit by a car, three roosters who were being neglected at a hoarder's barn (one was my beloved roo Skoggi who passed away earlier last year after struggling with a cancerous wound in his foot), a rooster with rickets who had to be euthanized, and our current girl, Krelli, who was emaciated, wounded, and featherless from being at the bottom of the pecking order at a large farm. We've also taken in a good 15 ducks and found good homes for them.

Basically, all of my pets but my dog and my parrot (the parrot was a gift from well-meaning grandparents and I feel awful about it because I'm very much against the parrot industry) are rescues. Since you asked who they are, I'll give a very brief listing, and you can allways check my website for something more in depth. Most of them have very cute little rescue stories.

Dog - Morgan - Cairn Terrier - Male
Cat - Leo - Moggie - Male
Ferret - Charlie - Male
Ferret - Luna - Male/Fossil (lol, he's old)
Gerbil - Auhlae - Female
Gerbil - Widget - Female
Mouse - Tosha - Female
Mouse - Anja - Female
Mouse - Lucia - Female
Mouse - Nadja - Female
Mouse - Vladek - Male
Chicken - Krelli - Female
Rabbit - Darwin - Male
Rabbit - Brindam - Male
Parakeet - Velveeta - Female
Parakeet - Sigma - Female
Parakeet - Theto - Male
Finch - Jesus - Male
Amazon Parrot - Pretty Bird - Male (I didn't name him)
Conure - Aspen - Male (not confirmed but probable)
Tarantula - Rosalinda - Female
Betta - Tiny Tim - Male
Betta - Dickey Barret - Male
Betta - Pulpul - Male
Betta - Shyboy - Male
Betta - Lug - Male
Betta - Matamoras - Male
Betta - Jeff Klee - Male
Golden Apple Snail - Leanora Whitstand Merill - Unknown
Chinese Algae Eater - Reebum - Unknown
Goldfish - Bronwin - Unknown
Goldfish - Tangaloor Firefins - Unknown
Goldfish - Grizraz - Unknown

Good god. I hope that's everyone.

Dude, you should seriously open up a petting zoo and charge admission.
You could call it the "Rescue Ranch".

I'd come to it.

That is phenomenal.
Hats off to you.
Yay! The 'roo arrives! His name is Alejandro and he still fits in the palm of my hand. He's VERY attention starved; I only put him down when he wants to eat or he'll peep and peep all day and drive the family nuts. He's black with brown feathers on his wings/back. No tail plume yet. I wish my digital camera didn't suck - this little bird is AWESOME.
He's in a big rabbit cage with hay and stuffed animals and perching. Its large enough that we had to put it on my bed.... so I'm sleeping on the floor on an old cot this weekend ::laughs::

So cool Random wish you could get a pick.Just so you know the Monkey madness is finished(thank goodness) and she if odd to the vets on Thursday.There is a horrible smell in the house though so am getting steam cleaner out and going at it.
Hey ho the joy of pets/

We have a pet mouse too! it is living in the cupboard under the sink,think it must be one of Monkeys that escaped.She will keeping brining me new pets.lol bird , mice etc.Off to get a humane mouse trap.

Glad to hear she's feeling better. With any luck, since its her first heat, she won't go right back into it as they sometimes do. I don't know what the weather is like in the UK this time of the year; its sunny where I am, so all of the cats 'round here will just...keep going into heat. Repeatedly. Miserable stuff; I feel bad for anyone with a Siamese queen. You can hear those cats from a mile away when they're in heat ::laughs::

Anyways, the 'roo is adjusting well. Yesterday, one of the three year olds came over to visit and he flew up onto my mom cheeping frantically, trying to get away from her. :lol: I guess he's adjusting quickly to the quieter, less nerve-racking environment and doesn't want to risk going back! :rofl:
Any pics yet?
I can't wait to see him!
I can't believe you're really sleepin on the floor.
I thought you were kidding!

LOL Yup, I sure am. See, my room currently has - that's right - 4 large bird cages/aviaries in it, one smaller finch cage, an algae eater in a 10 gal., and a tarantula. Earlier on in the year it had all that, plus 4 betta cages and 6 mice tanks :S Thank god its not that crowded right now, but with the big 'roo cage until he gets older, it looks like its floor-time for a while.

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