I love my Fish

the caretaker

Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2005
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Worcester UK
I just realised that I had been standing looking at my fish for about 45 mins without moving an inch. Percy the Pleco cleaning the bogwood the 2 pair of breeding Severums cleaning each end of the tank to lay. The different colours the mating rituals "bloody Hell arern't we lucky to have such a fantastic hobby"?
I dont sit watching them as long as my cat does. Its like a TV to him, ill wake up and hes there and he just sits there and sits there........................ :rofl:
I can sit for for long periods of time too, my parents are probably starting to think i have problems :lol:

Ah well, what can you do :p
I lay in bed with my lights off and the aquarium lights on and watch mine, its so relaxing :wub: but I usually end up laughing at my angelfish cuz he stares at things in the tank (his favorite things to stare at are: filter, heater, and the top of the water) for atleast 45 minutes and then goes and stares at something else for awhile :lol:
Doggfather said:
I can sit for for long periods of time too, my parents are probably starting to think i have problems :lol:

Ah well, what can you do :p

the best is watching cichlids take care of their fry and when one of the fry leave the group the on parent will chase after it,suck it up into its mouth and then spit it back into the group :lol:

I used to look at them so much and spend so much time with them that it caused problems with me and my g/f, i know dont look at them if i dont need to and pay very little attention to them when she is here.
Vip said:
I used to look at them so much and spend so much time with them that it caused problems with me and my g/f, i know dont look at them if i dont need to and pay very little attention to them when she is here.
Start going to her house and pickin apart all the things she likes :thumbs: :lol:
"Hey, I watch mine with binoculars from the couch so I'm not gonna say anything!"

Yeah :*) well ok, that was just a bit too much information, They are your fish your looking at. :rofl: Your not looking through someones windows or anything? :no: because there are laws you know that prevent us from doing that.
my girlfriend had to re-arrange our living room cause I would sit on the floor for hours just watching my rams. She did a good job, now I can lay on the futon! What a wonderful woman!
Guess I'm fortunate. The wife and kids are just as fascinated by the tank as I am. Maybe were all nuts, but at least we all have the same disorder! :lol:

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