I love it when I stick my hand in my tank (sort of near the surface) and my cherry shrimp swim on it. They feel so funny with their little arms combing for food.
I have had 4 on one hand before, it was great!
Do your cherry shrimp do this? My cherry shrimp are very “tame”.
My Neon tetras are very tame as well. They will swim into my hand, or between my fingers during feeding time. They have nothing to fear of me, because I have not shown them any harm.
I have had 4 on one hand before, it was great!
Do your cherry shrimp do this? My cherry shrimp are very “tame”.
My Neon tetras are very tame as well. They will swim into my hand, or between my fingers during feeding time. They have nothing to fear of me, because I have not shown them any harm.