I Lost My Little Girl Retic


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Right now she is doing the death curl.....
Just waiting. I don't have any clove oil or I would put her out of her misery.
*Earthgirl cries*
She was attacked by another fish and she stopped eating and now this has happened.
Man this sucks! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
No :-( How very sad to watch a fish die. You'd probably need a whole bucket of clove oil for that size fish anyway :/

Hope it's over quickly :-(
i had to do the same :-(
i had to watch my 8" clown knife slowly die after an attack from nightmare xmas present 9" pike cichlid.
i tried so hard and he still died:(
also my compresiseps. i had to watch him die slowly, he couldnt swim
i had to stand him upright against the filter to help him breath, i repeated this for days and he just kicked the bucket:(
it can be very sad to watch tehm die as they are a very atachably pets.
well he'l be in fish heaven with my lot n everyone elses so dont worry :)
by the weay what was he ?

kubora 666
When my clown loach was nearly dead I was told to put it out of it's misery by putting it in vodca or somthing so I put it in Benadictine liquer. Did I do something wrong?
That sucks. The jardini did it didnt he..... :devil:

I love jardini arowanas. I like rays too but i would put them in a seperate tank.
Was it the jardini?

Sorry for your loss :-(
All my sting rays were attacked by a syndontis (not sure what kind). It had a large dorsal fin and it was about 7" long. It has been removed. Someone gave it to me cause it was too big for their tank. Stupid me for not looking it up before hand. I just thought since it was a syndontis that it would not attack them. The other two are healing VERY nicely and are eating very well.
Thanks for all the lovely comments. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who gets upset when they lose a fish..... :-(
Yeah Synos are slime raspers, i had the same problem with one attacking my bichirs a few years ago. Treat synos like plecos, that is that they are best kept in someone elses tanks.

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