I Lost A Fish Today! :-(


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I lost one of my cute tiger barbs today. He happened to be the smallest one, and his eyes were gone; I guess the other barbs ate it?
Im going through a cycle period right now and although my ammonia level is very low .25, my nitrite level is at around 1.0 for at least a week now.
I have been doing daily water changes.

Is there anything else I can do to keep the stress levels low for the fish?
What about the seachem Stability product?

You could add two tablespoons of salt to the tank that helps with cycling tanks.
Also plenty of aeration.
Cory can cope with small amounts of salt.
I actually just bought a small bottle (100mL) of the Stability and added that entire bottle in the tank.
We do have aeration, a powerhead that is always on to help with circulation and aeration.

Is it ok that I added the entire bottle of the Stability product? I guess it's too late now, but I figured it wouldnt hurt.

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