I Just Wanted To Double Check

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My betta likes to balance himself in his Java Fern all the time and nap. Sometimes he scares me by sleeping on the ground in the corner of his tank. Its pretty normal for bettas, they are like cats of the fish world I would say. Always taking cat-naps!

And my first betta fish lived for a VERY long time, a total of FIVE years since I got him, add to that he was a year old when I got him. So in good conditions I would say they live longer than two years
I personally would up the temp a little to around 82F to see if that changes how he acts.  There are some bettas that are just lazy by nature but most bettas are not lazy unless something is an issue.  Most of the time it is a temperature thing or a parasite.  Especially if the betta in question has previously been active. 
I will try the temperature.  There is nothing visible to suggest parasites and not flicking/flashing ever.
I think I have accidentally solved this issue.  This week cleaning the tank I was rushed and didn't add fertilizer... and I noticed the next day and since that he has been a lot more active.  He still naps a few times a day but it feels more normal somehow.  I am thinking I will just stop using the fertilizer and hope my plants are ok with that.
How much ferts are you dosing in this tank?
Do you also dose CO2?

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