I just rescued a tank from my shed


Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2002
Reaction score
Manchester, UK
I found an old forgotten tank in my shed this afternoon. :D

After a good cleanup session, I now have a 12 (uk) gallon tank for some new fish.
So I was thinking about some Rams.

Drop some substrate in, some filter material from my community, and I could have it up, running and populated by tomorrow.

Guys, Relax.... B)

I've been doing this long enough to know about cycling, and I haven't lost a fish to NTS yet. (touch wood).

I'm not planning on filling it with 20 fish tomorrow morning :p

I recently moved everyone to a new larger tank, took substrate, and filter media into the new tank, and not once did I get ammonia or nitrite readings above zero, checking twice a day. It helps that I never stock my tanks heavily, and always have live plants in the tanks. (under the right conditions plants use ammonia you know?)

A few dither fish (like 4) will go in tomorrow, Rams to follow before the week is out. What's the point of using existing filter media, if you're just gonna startve the bacteria?

Also, bear in mind that a 15 gallon tank can be managed quite easily with plenty water changes during it's cycling, and although it takes longer this way, IMHO it's better than adding neat ammonia to the tank.

smileandnod said:
...Drop some substrate in, some filter material from my community, and I could have it up, running and populated by tomorrow.
Hi smileandnod :)

Yes, you can do it that way; I do it all the time. :nod:

Just take some gravel from your community tank, too, and put it ON TOP of any new substrate you are using, use good bacteria rich filter material, and you are set to go. What you have done is to make a "clone" of your original tank. :nod:

But, to be on the safe side, keep your new tank stocked lightly for the first few weeks to let the bacteria get well established. Then add the rest of your fish gradually to let it catch up.

It works for me! :D
Nice find, smileandnod.

Although it sounds like you know what you're doing, you can probably guess why those guys tried to help out. Frankly, when I read ...

"Drop some substrate in, some filter material from my community, and I could have it up, running and populated by tomorrow."...

I first pictured a tank, with a filter cartridge floating in it, new gravel, no filter, no heater, and a dozen danios swimming around. :blink: Seems like you have it under control, though.
Although it sounds like you know what you're doing, you can probably guess why those guys tried to help out.

Yeah, sorry if I panicked anyone :unsure:

I set my Apisto tank up that way as well. I won't use existing substrate, but instead I will put a pot or piece of bogwood from the comminuity.

Total stocking will be something like 4 dithers, 3 rams, and 3 otos. Each group being a week or so apart.



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