Try getting some brine shrimp (live if you can) as it isnt very good staple diet but it will jump start their appietite. Mine love small pest snails, you can normally get those from any lfs as they are unwanted for general little to no charge. I would really suggest heavily planting the tank with either fake or silk plants/ live plants(not sure on your take on live plants or knowledge) but either will do , you want to break up the puffers not your, line of sight to lower aggressiong between them.
About 2 caves per puffer is a standard as they will 'sleep' and pick territories with those.
Most puffers will only eat live food so you have to experiement, try frozen blood worms, live bloodworms ( if your lfs has them), snails ( a must for their constantly growing teeth!!! crunchy foods keeps it filled down much like a beaver) black worms , and ghost shrimp if they will eat it, in most cases they dont take an early liking to these but if they do make sure you 'gut load' ie feed the shrimps before you give them to your puffers , and because you have Dwarf puffs they will likely leave the body behind for you to clean which i woudl suggest you do to keep pollutatants from building up in the tank,
Now i know you just got a 10 g which is awsome but do you know about the cycling process? if you dont please , i beg you , please read the beginner threads on the cycling process as an uncycled tank is very bad for puffers.