I Just Don't Get It - New Fish Mortality Rates

I will do as you suggest. The dechlorinator does neutralise heavy metals.

The filter has two sponges, and room for a carbon sponge. I replace them alternately, rinsing the used one in tankwater. My main filter is undergravel, the box filter is more for clear water and carbon (when I use carbon).

Weekly maintenance will be fine, but how long do I continue with 25% (I think 10% pw is the norm)? How do I know when my 'syndrome' is cured if Nitrates are currently low/zero, and pH is 7.6?

As the current fish are used to the conditions, I worry that 25% weekly could be more harmful to the fish, being a large water change repeated at short intervals.

I will get new test kits. Out of interest, I will test with the new kits and the old kits to compare results. Any suggestions as to which ones to use? I don't like the tablet kind, and usually use the dropper types. I have seen the paper/card ones; they look easier to use, but do they give the same accuracy. Any tips?

Thanks for all the help so far. :)
I've never replaced my filter media. You should never need to to be honest. As long as the sponges are in a good condition, just wash them in your old tank water and put them back in your filter. This will do more to maintain the good bacteria than the Interpet 5. Filter manfacturers want you to change the sponges often so you have to buy more. It's only stuff for taking particles out of the water like filter floss or fine fibre pads that need replacing if you use them as they clog.
I've never replaced my filter media. You should never need to to be honest. As long as the sponges are in a good condition, just wash them in your old tank water and put them back in your filter. This will do more to maintain the good bacteria than the Interpet 5. Filter manfacturers want you to change the sponges often so you have to buy more. It's only stuff for taking particles out of the water like filter floss or fine fibre pads that need replacing if you use them as they clog.

As I said earlier, the filter is mainly to remove floating debris. I buy a larger size than my fiter and cut them in half to save costs.

The Interpet 5 does not add bacteria, it reduces levels of (harmful) background bacteria that is always present to some extent. Not the good filter bacteria, the bad bacteria in the water itself.

Sorry, having troubles posting on my Palm. Off to bed now, will catch up later in the weekend.

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