I Hope Its Not My Glass!


New Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Hi guys and gals,

I bought the Trigon 190 :D about four weeks ago and i noticed a little speck on the glass :sad: . I thought it was an egg :rolleyes: , but when i tried to scrape it off, nothing! It`s smooth on both sides.
Could anyone please tell me if i have a problem with my glass or if anything bad is going to happen. I`ve only just noticed it now. :-( I know it`s definatley the glass.
Thanks all
Its known as a bubble. its actually in the glass, although weak at that point it should pose you no problem. How big is it. if its overly noticable and your not happy then take it back and demand a new Trigon. The manufacturers quality control must not be very good if that tank got off the production line.
Its known as a bubble. its actually in the glass, although weak at that point it should pose you no problem. How big is it. if its overly noticable and your not happy then take it back and demand a new Trigon. The manufacturers quality control must not be very good if that tank got off the production line.

Thanks BigC For your immediate reply. I will keep an eye on it, if i see its more noticable then i will have to replace it (at the moment its a tiny speck).
compalin to Juwel , they might send you a new one and let you keep the two. Just email them a pic

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