I Have To Decide With Your Help


Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2006
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Hello everyone i would like your opinion about putting sand or gravel in my new 6ft aquarium (Malawi Chiclids) ,i was told that sand is very difficult to clean and vacumm i always found help in this forum so please give me you opionions .

Sorry for my English

Emmanuel (Malta)
Sand is not difficult at all to keep clean. If you rinse it well before you put it in the tank, then you will have little trouble from cloudy water. Then, when you're doing the water changes, you just hover the vacuum tube over the sand, rather than digging down in like you do with gravel. I have sand in 2 of my tanks and gravel in one. Consider the needs of the fish you want to keep. I have corydoras catfish in one tank and they are sand sifters, so they are in sand.
well i currently have gravel in all of my tanks and like it.. i think its personal preference more than anything.. whatever fish your getting you should look at which lake and just try to do the same as the lake??
exactly snake, all of my fish are sand sifters, meaning they get much of their diet sifting for micro sized foods.
I also have fish that make nest in the sand, big bowls of sand they carefully tend to so you really need to pay attention to the needs of the fish, not just what looks good to you. ;)
I will have malawi chiclids in my tank ,thanks for the help so far

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