Hi Dakota
We removed the eggs from our log covered in java moss in our community tank. We put them in a fine mesh breeding net in our fry tank. The tank with fry has 4 and nearly 5 month old bronze fry, but only a few of them. I released the 4 panda fry into the tank the other day. They are so cute.
They swim around like they are the big boys now with the bronze fry!!!
Our net is in the flow of the filter, so that seems to keep them healthy. We've had to check our phosphates in the water, because ours are high here and the cory fry don't do well with high phosphates.
So we've got a phosphate remover in at the moment. Our otos spawned as well when the phosphates were lowered!! We have the net in as soon as the eggs have been laid, so it grows a good algae on it. The fry seem to eat the algae as well as microworms.
In the net at the moment, we have fry who hatched on the 17th and that night the pandas spawned again, and again on Friday!! So we have eggs all over. I'll keep releasing 2 week old fry into the main tank.
You'll get it right, I'm sure of it. The easy thing is spawning (which with pandas is hard enough). Fry are delicate and even when you've done your best, things don't always work. We're just lucky that we raised bronze fry before, so we had a bit more experience. Good luck, and I know you'll have some fry to show us, all grown up
Keep well and speak again soon, Carmen