I have my list


Moved On
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kudelstaart (Amsterdam) (The Netherlands)
I have the list of fish im putting in my tank.

here it is.

Please let me know what you think..

constructive critisism is always good...



Zebra Pleco or Hypancistrus zebra_____5___Click here
Sailfin Plec or Glyptoperichthys gibbicep_____2___Click here
Leopard Danio or Brachydanio frankei_____10___Click Here
Three-Banded Pencilfish or Nannostomus trifasciatus_____10___Click Here
Harliquin or Rasbora heteromorpha_____20___Click Here
Scissor-tail or Rasbora trilineata_____10___Click Here
Black Neon Tetra or Hyphessosbrycon herbertaxelrodi_____10___Click Here
Black Phantom Tetra or Megalamphodus megalopterus_____8___Click Here
Black Widow (also the Black tetra)or Gymnocorymbus ternetzi_____8____Click Here
Bleeding Heart Tetra or Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma_____8___Click Here
Bloodfin Tetra or Aphyocharax anisitsi_____8___Click Here
Cardinal Tetra or Paracheirodon axelrodi_____200___Click Here
Congo Tetra or Micralestes interruptus_____8___Click Here
Emperor Tetra or Nematobrycon palmeri_____8___Click Here
Glowlight Tetra or Hemigrammus erythrozonus_____8___Click Here
Ornate Tetra or Hyphessobrycon bentosi_____8___Click Here
Penguin Tetra or Thayeria boehlkei_____8___Click Here
Rummy-Nose Tetra or Hemigrammus rhodostomus_____8____Click Here
Silver-Tipped Tetra or Hasemania nana_____8___Click Here
Splash Tetra or Copella arnoldi_____8___Click Here
Boesemann's Rainbow Fish or Melanotaenia boesemani _____9___Click Here
New Guinea Rainbowfish or Glossolepis incisus_____8___Click Here
Marbled Hatchet Fish or Carnegiella strigata_____10___Click Here
Clown Loach or Botia macracantha_____7___Click Here
Coolie Loach or Acanthophthalmus kuhlii_____8___Click Here
Checker Barb or Barbus oligolepis_____8___Click Here
Rainbow Shark or Epalzeorhynchos frenatum_____10___Click Here
Panda Cory or Panda corydoras______20____CLICK HERE
Marbled Angelfish or Pterophyllum scalare_____12____Click Here


For all the shrimp im adding click here to see them
Algae Eating Shrimp

Amano Shrimp or Caridina japonica __10
Bush-algae Shrimp or Caridina serrata__10
Crystal Blue Shrimp or Neocaridina sp.___10
Crystal Red Dwarf Shrimp or Neocaridina sp.___10
Bumblebee Dwarf Shrimp or Neocaridina sp. II___10

Click Here for Filter feeding shrimp
Filter feeding shrimp

No common Name Atyoida bisculata__20

Click here for Long Arm Shrimp
Long Arm Shrimp

Laos Prawn or Macrobrachium sp. ____20


Click Here for the crabs

Red Crab or Sesarma bidens___10
Red-claw Sri Lanka Crab or Sesarma sp.___10
The only thing I noticed, and I don't know of all those fish, is that you might want more that one Hypancistrus zebra. I feel it's quite foolish to keep a fish alone when you have as much space as you do (if it is the 800+ UK we're talking about), these fish are really very rare in the trade and you could make a pair or a group very happy. Perhaps even to the point of fry. I am not common with scientific names of fish other than my own but I like how it looks and I would love to see how it progresses.

Cheese specialist is right, zebra plecs are a schooling species of catfish and should really be kept in a group.

Also i wouldnt recomend keeping altums with regular scalares in case of cross breeding, true altums are becoming increasingly rare and hard to find and to lose a generation to cross breeding would be terrible IMO. Also unless they have been captive bred for many generations altums are very delicate and will require you to keep the water at a pH of 6 with no or little mearsurable hardness and 0 nitrtrates, so unless you have tapwater with these readings i wouldnt advise trying to keep them in such a huge tank, i hate to think how much that would cost to fill an maintain using RO water :crazy:

Also a little tip, when giving fish names try to give the common name first (if the fish has one), not everyone knows the scientific names of fish from a glance and will just ignore the post.
Sounds good, the only fish I would mention have been mentioned so..............great to see you have some Marbled Hatchets on the way :D .

Good Luck
CFC said:
Cheese specialist is right, zebra plecs are a schooling species of catfish and should really be kept in a group.

Also i wouldnt recomend keeping altums with regular scalares in case of cross breeding, true altums are becoming increasingly rare and hard to find and to lose a generation to cross breeding would be terrible IMO.  Also unless they have been captive bred for many generations altums are very delicate and will require you to keep the water at a pH of 6 with no or little mearsurable hardness and 0 nitrtrates, so unless you have tapwater with these readings i wouldnt advise trying to keep them in such a huge tank, i hate to think how much that would cost to fill an maintain using RO water  :crazy:

Also a little tip, when giving fish names try to give the common name first (if the fish has one), not everyone knows the scientific names of fish from a glance and will just ignore the post.
Is this just the altums?? the true breed or is this for all angel fish? I have also seen some yellow and brown angel fish. I would change the more rare ones out for hardier ones.

Oh ya and i have changed the amount of the Zebra plecos up to 5.

Please advise
Altums and Pterophyllum scalare are different varities that both excist in the wild. The Altums tend to grow alot larger from top to bottom and are also more senesitive to water conditions. However, they are both Angels and therefore can and do cross breed. CFC is worried that by placing the expensive and rare Altums with the Pterophyllum scalare you will get cross breeds therefore lowering the number of true Altums left.
They are not overly rare, it is just they are wild caught unlike the captive breed Pterophyllum scalare so they are less commonly seen and are more expensive.
i am sorry if I sound silly but how big of a tank in gallons is this going to be? It sounds really cool and it seems like you have a big variety of fish. Will you please post pics as soon as you get it setup? Good luck
With the Measurments im working on.

it will work out to be around 4600L which is around (USA 1215.32) (Can/UK 1011.85) Gallons. but once I Make the inside with molded walls, caves, cliffs, ledges and stuff it should be around 4200L. (USA 1109.64 UK/CAN 923.87 Gallons).

I can geive an accurate mesurment at the moment as the design changes every day due to building materials and space.
you mean to tell me that tank is going to be around 1100 gallons? :eek: How long is it taking you to build? Show me pics.
well im just getting all the stuff in now.

I have been given a Water pump and i have the price for the glas to be made for me.
I am still waiting on the price for the metal frame i have designed. If it costs to much im going to weld the frame my self and order the metal throught the local shop. This is where i am publishing it. Large tanks Building

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