Fish Aficionado
For the sump personally I would ditch all of the foam and bio balls and have Skimmer>LR rubble>cheato>chemical filter (phosphate/nitrate remover)>return pump. Miracle mud or a deep sand bed (if it is a fairly big sump) are also good.
If you want mechanical filtration it is probably easier to get a cheap canister filter and fill it with filter floss/sponges. Then you can just take all the floss and dump it one a week (or two weeks) and it is probably a bit easier to maintain then taking the foam out of the sump.
If you want mechanical filtration it is probably easier to get a cheap canister filter and fill it with filter floss/sponges. Then you can just take all the floss and dump it one a week (or two weeks) and it is probably a bit easier to maintain then taking the foam out of the sump.